Coverage remained the same at 83.117% when pulling 4f3101aceaefb2a5bc65e6a1d3ceef6e5c71f436 on feature/docs into 6e32b619ef1cf37033241553779c50c3abbf2b0d on master.
Coverage remained the same at 83.117% when pulling 4f3101aceaefb2a5bc65e6a1d3ceef6e5c71f436 on feature/docs into 6e32b619ef1cf37033241553779c50c3abbf2b0d on master.
PR Checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
PR Type
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
What is the current behavior?
Issue Number: #29
What is the new behavior?
I have now completely updated the api documentation
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
Other information