pat / combustion

Simple, elegant testing for Rails Engines
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Add database seeding support #42

Closed bricker closed 11 years ago

bricker commented 11 years ago

This is useful when firing up the dummy app with Rack, so you can load in some data for when you're clicking around. Also very useful for engines that provide authentication, so you know you always have a login ready to go when you start the app. I was just doing it at the bottom of db/schema.rb before, but this makes a little more sense.

The COMBUSTION_SEED constant is set and checked so the database doesn't get seeded when running tests. I'm not totally happy with this solution - if you want to merge this in and have a better suggestion for how to handle it, let me know!

bricker commented 11 years ago

You know what... I changed my mind about this. The developer can just manually load the seed file if they want in with load Rails.root.join("db", "seeds.rb"). I don't think this is a great addition to combustion.