pat / combustion

Simple, elegant testing for Rails Engines
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Failing to build on Travis with :all #72

Closed DannyBen closed 8 years ago

DannyBen commented 8 years ago


Not sure if it is a bug or a configuration error on my part.

Failing Case With this line in my spec_helper:

Combustion.initialize! :all

The build fails on travis with the chief complaint being:

activesupport- `require': cannot load such file -- action_mailer/railtie (LoadError)

Passing Case However, with this line:

Combustion.initialize! :action_controller, :action_view

It succeeds.

In both cases, I did not experience this issue on my local machine (using RVM as well) so I am not sure what to make of it.

artofhuman commented 8 years ago

Combustion is a library to help you test your Rails Engines

I think you gem is not an engine.

DannyBen commented 8 years ago

Do you think that the fact it is not an engine is the cause for it failing on travis and not failing locally? And why not make Combustion work for any rails gem development project, and not just engines? I mean it looks like its practically working already.

pat commented 8 years ago

I use Combustion with non-engine gems (Thinking Sphinx in particular, which has a railtie, but no engine).

I'm not quite sure why, but when bundler is installing gems in the failing build, it uses a very old version of actionmailer - 0.6.1. I'm quite sure railties weren't a thing then (10 years or so ago!). I'd recommend being clear about your runtime dependencies in your gemspec instead of your Gemfile, and anything essential to the gem working should be a runtime dependency, not just a test/development dependency.