patcg-individual-drafts / ipa

Interoperable Private Attribution (IPA) - A Private Measurement Proposal
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Meetings: Monthly VC Call to Discuss Open Issue and Progress #47

Open eriktaubeneck opened 1 year ago

eriktaubeneck commented 1 year ago

We will be holding monthly calls to discuss and make progress on open issues on IPA, open to anyone participating in the PATCG (which is, in turn, is an open community group.) We will take minutes in the same manner as the PATCG meetings, and we will report important progress back in the regular PATCG meetings.


The IPA authors and collaborators span many timezones, which makes timing difficult. For now, we are pegging the meeting to the second Tuesday of the month at 3pm PT (both PST and PDT) for 1 hr.

These are on the PATCG Calendar listed as "PATCG Ad-Hoc Meetings: IPA", with appropriate timezone conversions.


bmayd commented 1 year ago

This is scheduled for the same day as the first March PATCG meeting - opposite end of the day, but it may impact attendance.

eriktaubeneck commented 1 year ago

@bmayd yes, with a biweekly there's bound to be some conflicts. We're planning to attend both, and hopefully folks relevant to the topics (agenda coming soon) will attend.

csharrison commented 1 year ago

For convenience, here are all the time zones for this event:

eriktaubeneck commented 1 year ago

For clarity, this meeting is occasionally not bi-weekly, and will always be the 2nd and 4th Wednesday (in Singapore) of the month. The next meeting is April 11th, 2023 (and not today, April 4th, 2023.)

seanturner commented 1 year ago

Would you like for me to add this to W3C Calendar? I can add it as something like PATCG/IPA.

bmcase commented 1 year ago

@seanturner, yes that sounds good to add to the W3C Calendar.

seanturner commented 1 year ago

@bmcase I have updated the W3C Calendar. Pleas double check that I entered them correctly.

If you need to update/cancel any of these let me know.

bmcase commented 1 year ago

Thanks @seanturner; I doubled checked the dates and they look right to me.

bmcase commented 1 year ago

We will cancel this week's (May 24) Bi-weekly IPA call.

bmcase commented 1 year ago

Since many of us are traveling for the London PATCG which is Wed and Thur this week, we'll go ahead and cancel this week's IPA biweekly call. The two open agenda items in our repo are:

  1. update on sharding designs which will be discussed Thursday in the PATCG
  2. a Rust code walk through which we'll plan to do on the next bi-weekly call in two weeks.
eriktaubeneck commented 11 months ago

Apologies for the late notice, but between vacations and lack of agenda items, we'll go ahead and cancel today's call (Aug 8th/9th).

If folks have agenda items they'd like to discuss before TPAC, please open a new issue and we'll discuss it on Aug 22nd/23rd.

bmcase commented 11 months ago

We will cancel this week's 22rd/23rd call again as we haven't had any new agenda items and some of us are still rotating through vacations.

bmcase commented 9 months ago

Apologies for the late notice, but we'll plan to keep today's call. We will plan to have a working session with whoever wants to join on the steelmaning the comparison doc from TPAC with a focus on the IPA column. Particularly there was some feedback to break out the security section into more cases. Links: original comparison doc steelman version

bmcase commented 8 months ago

Since with have two PATCG virtual meetings week, we'll go ahead and cancel this week's IPA call.

eriktaubeneck commented 8 months ago

We are considering a couple changes to this meeting:

  1. With Daylight Savings Time ending in the US, we are considering moving this meeting 1 hour later in Singapore, to make it a bit easier for them. For those in timezones that fell back, it would stay at the same time as before (e.g., 3pm PST.) Here is a link with all timezone:
  2. We're considering moving this from bi-weekly to monthly. We've had a less full agenda and cancelled as often as not, so this is likely a more appropriate cadence. We'd keep to the second Tuesday/Wednesday of the month.

Please comment here and/or in Slack if you have any objections, otherwise we'll confirm the changes by 11/13.

Also note, due to holidays, we'll be cancelling the 11/22 and 12/27 meetings.

eriktaubeneck commented 8 months ago

With no agenda items, we'll cancel this weeks IPA call on (11-7 / 11-8).

eriktaubeneck commented 8 months ago

Following up to this comment, we'll move this meeting to once a month, on the second Tuesday/Wednesday of the month. We will also anchor the meeting to 3pm PT (for both PST and PDT).

martinthomson commented 7 months ago

@eriktaubeneck, do you want to tweak the title and opening post to reflect that change? This issue is pinned, but people coming in through the front door might not scroll to the bottom to find your update.

eriktaubeneck commented 4 months ago

Tomorrow (2024/03/12), we'll continue discussion on the sharded shuffle. (See issue 972 on the IPA implementation repo.) cc @akoshelev @marianapr @schoppmp @danielmasny

eriktaubeneck commented 3 months ago

The meeting on 2024/04/09 will be cancelled due to overlap with the PATCG F2F meeting.

eriktaubeneck commented 1 month ago

The meeting on 2024/06/11 is cancelled due to lack of agenda items. Please feel free to ping here with agenda items for future meetings!