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Taxonomy ID, Versioning, Someway to Evolve #196

Open thegreatfatzby opened 1 year ago

thegreatfatzby commented 1 year ago

I'd propose adding some more structure around the Taxonomy, treating it as an object of it's own. Given we'll see new taxonomies, updates to existing ones (the android topics repo has 2 atm), and the proposal may evolve in ways that allows interesting things not yet discussed (think Pluggable Taxonomy Providers that still require some level of approval to ensure coarseness), giving more structure would allow that evolution to happen in an ordered way.

I'm not tied to specifics but some possibilities, in order of how strongly I feel about them.

(I should say from an object design perspective I tend to think this way but I recognize not everyone does, and that just keeping everything in one ID space has advantages and can work. I think in particular this would be useful for a world in which Taxonomy Providers can also be Algorithm Providers, run special-sauce-taxonomizers on the browser, and have different definitions for the same labels).