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The Topics API
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Expand attestations to limit known abuses #266

Open dmarti opened 8 months ago

dmarti commented 8 months ago

Extend the list of attestations required to use this API to address known undesirable consequences of cross-context transfer of information.

dmarti commented 2 months ago

related: pp. 13-14

dmarti commented 1 month ago

Here is an updated version of an attestation to help provide for fair competition among SSPs. By limiting the ability to obfuscate "good ad/bad site" placements in reports, SSPs with a policy of only monetizing legitimate sites will be less likely to be placed at a disadvantage, or pressured into a risky race to the bottom with SSPs who are willing to monetize infringing, embargoed, and other problem sites.

Attestation name: ContextReportedToAdvertiser

Attestation detail: If this API is used in conjunction with the placement of an advertisement, the caller will make available to the advertiser sufficient information to evaluate the appropriateness of the placement of the advertisement, including at least the full hostname of the site on which the advertisement appears.


dmarti commented 1 week ago

Another related link: Algorithms should not control what people see, UN chief says, launching Global Principles for Information Integrity | UN News

"Advertisers should demand transparency in digital advertising processes from the tech sector to help ensure they do not end up inadvertently funding disinformation or hateful messaging."

These UN principles are not a legally binding regulation, but without this attestation an SSP that makes an effort to comply with the UN's principles will be placed at a disadvantage relative to an SSP that obfuscates placements in order to fund illegal or embargoed sites, or other sites that an advertiser would choose not to support.