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The Topics API
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It shouldn't be the browser's job to help advertisers #96

Open kuba-orlik opened 1 year ago

kuba-orlik commented 1 year ago

I feel like the Topics API is specific to one industry (ads), and browsers should be only concerned with technology, not for-profit

I see two dangerous trends that Topics API could start/accelerate:

dmarti commented 1 year ago

Topics API is not really specific to one industry. Although the current focus is on advertising and publishing, any domain can call it. Topics API could end up being more useful for other kinds of functionality, such as dynamic or personalized pricing by retail and travel sites. (,

michaelkleber commented 1 year ago

Hi @kuba-orlik: Browsers include a bunch of APIs that make it possible to do things on the web in a way that is more private or secure than how that same thing could be done without dedicated browser treatment. The removal of third-party cookies makes some of those APIs even more important than they have been in the past.

Federated Credential Management for better sign-in, or support for Web Payments via the Payment Request API, are examples unrelated to the ads industry. These don't seem like a slippery slope to me, they seem like the development of the web working as intended.

Browsers absolutely do need to act as User Agents, as you say. But they also need to pay attention to the needs of the people who create websites — those are the users of the web platform, and if we ignore their needs then we risk the incredible richness that the web has become. This is deeply in the interest of people who visit websites also, though certainly in a more roundabout way.

dmarti commented 1 year ago

@michaelkleber It's an oversimplification to represent Topics API as something that addresses the needs of "people who create websites." The general flows of topics data, and resulting value, are

There may be a need for allowing users who want to share their interests to pass some interest information to sites on first visit. But it would be more productive to address that issue specifically than incidentally as part of an API that also supports less desirable data flows and creates incentives for less desirable activiies. More: Google’s Topics API Picks On Smaller Publishers

michaelkleber commented 1 year ago

@dmarti: I'm aware of your beliefs about who benefits from the Topics API, and I think you are mostly incorrect. But our disagreement about this doesn't seem relevant to @kuba-orlik's basic point that Topics API is primarily designed for web developers.

dmarti commented 1 year ago

@michaelkleber Looking at the original issue, @kuba-orlik has two main points. First, does this mean moving away from the browser as the agent of the user? It looks like the answer to this question would depend on what the user's intent really is. I don't see any user research that indicates that because somebody clicks on a web link, that always means they are willing to share their interests with the site. It would be really helpful to link to research in this area from this proposal.

Second, is this an industry-specific solution? Does not look like it is. There are many other parties besides advertisers who would want to be able to classify users by interest, even imperfectly with random noise.

We can't know all of them in advance. There are going to be a lot more of these situations where Topics API data feeds into some kind of score to select people for some kind of attention (good or bad) so I disagree with @kuba-orlik that this is an industry-specific solution. Because it has different privacy properties from third-party cookies, Topics API will be applicable in some situations where third-party cookies are not, and vice versa. Topics API looks like a fundamental change to what it means to click on a link, and will end up affecting many more kinds of sites than just advertiser and publisher sites.

siliconvoodoo commented 12 months ago

Brave has expressed extensively how none of this effort is in user's interest. This is for monetization on the back of the users. If the browser becomes an identifier agent, it becomes a snitch, no more no less. Stop participating in creating dystopia on this society, your lack of responsible concern is why we can't have nice things.