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Use cases and principles for Attribution/Measurement proposals #14

Open lbdvt opened 1 year ago

lbdvt commented 1 year ago

We'd like to propose a set of use cases and principles to assess Attribution/Measurement proposals coverage from a utility standpoint. We hope it will help in defining the roadmap of these proposals.

What use cases need to be covered or not by a proposal depends on the bidding/ad display mechanism constraints. For example, when using FLEDGE and Fenced Frames, a part or all of the "monitoring" use case may need to be supported by a specific Attribution/Measurement proposal. In less constrained environments, some data (usually data not linked to attribution) may be readily available.

We'd like to gather feedback on the proposal below, and add it as a document for the group.

Use cases

An advertising measurement system must support the following use cases, if the data is not otherwise accessible:


The system must provide data for computing advertiser spend and publisher revenue.


The system must provide data for reporting for advertisers, publishers, and ad tech providers.

Legal Reporting

Some jurisdictions have legal requirements related to web advertising (e.g. French digital advertising reporting law, which requires disclosing to a marketer, among other things, the domains where its ads have been displayed). The system must support this.

Campaign optimization

The system must provide Machine Learning training for the models that select campaigns, products, ads layouts and features, calculate bid amounts, or dynamic attribution models (i.e. that are able to highlight the main contributors among several impressions or clicks).

Campaign piloting

It must be possible to control campaign delivery pace and enforce budget constraints in real-time. Marketers must have the ability to get feedback on their campaigns' performance, e.g. cost per action, to adapt the related objectives, with a latency of around an hour.

User feedback collection

Ads may include a method for users to provide feedback on what they see. The system must enable reporting those feedbacks in an aggregated way, with a latency of around an hour.

Monitoring and incident detection

It must be possible to possible to detect incidents (at campaign, client, or company level) within 5 minutes, as they can cause large overspend or loss of opportunities. One standard way of detecting incident is to detect unexpected changes to KPIs, such as win rate, yield, ad displays, etc. A certain level of data breakdown enabling a quick and detailed diagnosis of the incident is required.

Allow for external data ingestion

The solution should cover the ingestion and processing of external data (e.g. brick&mortar stores sales) in combination with web events.


We propose seven key principles to consider:


The system must treat all participants equally, and shall not introduce a competing advantage for those who do not need to use them, that is to say, open web measurement shall not be at a disadvantage compared to large first parties. Delegation to third parties should be possible, enabling small and medium sites to rely on external suppliers.


The system must provide accurate enough data for the use cases it supports.


The system must provide data at a rate fast enough for the use cases it supports.


The system must not be locked to specific measurement methods. (e.g. last-click attribution, specific attribution windows, etc.), machine learning frameworks, etc. Lack of flexibility would limit participants' ability to innovate. As an example, video advertising has some specific measurement KPIs, such as view percentage. The system must easily adapt to such innovations.


The system must provide for interoperability between advertisers, publishers, and Ad Tech participants, i.e. it should be possible for multiple participants to share, compare, and combine data. In particular multiple participants should be able to get their own reports, investigate, and resolve any dispute.


The system shall scale to the need of all Ad Tech participants, for a reasonable cost. On-device processing should not incur undue load on these users' devices.


The system shall improve compliance with respect to applicable Laws and Reglementations on user data processing.

bmayd commented 1 year ago

Adding my feedback from the October 17 meeting (minutes should be posted here):