Open zero-tolerance0 opened 5 years ago
have you tried the example attached to this repo?
@patchthecode thanks for response, yes, by following steps for launching that
however when i try to Select "YearView Calendar" in it, it crashes. Saying (please see attached screeenshots):
Invalid datasource Assertion failed: file /Users/compsci/Desktop/swift-projects/JTAppleCalendar-master/Sources/JTAppleCalendar/JTACMonthCell.swift, line 43
and second err (when open another Calendars): error with pics Calendar layout is not of type JTAppleCalendarMonthLayout. There was an error in this code section. Please contact the developer on GitHub Assertion failed: file /Users/compsci/Desktop/swift-projects/JTAppleCalendar-master/Sources/JTAppleCalendar/JTACMonthActionFunctions.swift, line 43
Nevertheless, After seeing source files i found out error at my project - month view appeared after i added to MyCell from storyboard MonthView subclassed from JTACCellMonthView.
Please answer: 1) is there a way to change segment (of each day) rect width height, possibly at: func calendar( calendar: JTAppleCalendar.JTACYearView, monthView: JTAppleCalendar.JTACCellMonthView, drawingFor segmentRect: CGRect, with date: Date, dateOwner: JTAppleCalendar.DateOwner, monthIndex index: Int){_ 2)paging - when i put pagingEnabled = true, the behavior of paging is not so, that Jan, Feb monthes are attached to the very top of View. (after scrolling multiple times, it Jan And Feb months become at center of View)
(Required) Version Number: version 8.0.2 (commit 8a7c54392f2358c1be91ddf3c0a755ecd5e00f9b) (latest)
I want implement CalendarYearViewController where I expect to see apple default calendar (year view - 12 months) and days inside each month.
I am doing it according to Sample at
I copied all things from that file (including delegates and datasource) However the func bellow not getting called. func calendar(_ calendar: JTAppleCalendar.JTACYearView, monthView: JTAppleCalendar.JTACCellMonthView, drawingFor segmentRect: CGRect, with date: Date, dateOwner: JTAppleCalendar.DateOwner, monthIndex index: Int){
Steps To Reproduce
Expected Behavior
I expect to reach standard apple calendar behavior when it is YearView (image attached). However I see just Month names at the top of each cell. so I am missing days. Please help
Additional Context
apple standard calendar (expected) test year view calendar (current case)