pathak22 / context-encoder

[CVPR 2016] Unsupervised Feature Learning by Image Inpainting using GANs
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where is the Channel-wise fully-connected layer ? #9

Closed BoyuanJiang closed 7 years ago

BoyuanJiang commented 7 years ago

Is there a Channel-wise fully-connected layer in the Torch version codes?I don't find where it is.

BoyuanJiang commented 7 years ago

sorry i have known it

sunshineatnoon commented 7 years ago

@BoyuanJiang Hi, could you kindly point the fully-connected layer to me? I can't find it either.

royal-feng commented 7 years ago

@BoyuanJiang I want to ask you for whether the Channel-wise fully-connected layer is the nBottleneck in the code? My understanding that is the transition layer between the encoder and decoder, is it right?