pathec / ZWay-OpenHABConnector

This module register openHAB items that will notified after status changed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

I cant see the app in the zway store (v2.3.4) , even after using your token. Should i install manually ? #2

Closed kiwiamg closed 7 years ago

rolo2130 commented 7 years ago

I had this issue as well. Have you tried the token provided in the installation instructions? I'm not in front of my machine at the moment, but I think there is an option to show beta apps in the store.

rolo2130 commented 7 years ago

I had this issue as well. Have you tried the token provided in the installation instructions? I'm not in front of my machine at the moment, but I think there is an option to show beta apps in the store.

Disregard, small screen, didn't notice your full title. Looks like you tried the token.

pathec commented 7 years ago


Please look at the category selection: All Apps must be selected.


kiwiamg commented 7 years ago

pathec Thanks thats what I was missing. Connector seems to be working very well. :)