pathec / ZWay-OpenHABConnector

This module register openHAB items that will notified after status changed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

registerOpenHabItem never gets called #8

Open m-d-f opened 5 years ago

m-d-f commented 5 years ago

I took a "deep dive" into OpenHab and Z-Wave during the last days and got a working setup with a freshly installed OpenHab-Server on a Virtual Ubuntu Machine and a Razberry-Equipped Raspberry-Pi with Image.

Z-Wave-Binding is working as that vDevices from are discovered in PaperUI and they can be refreshed every N-Seconds, also I found the corresponding device on the OpenHab API and am able to manipulate it's state with PUT command, like this module is supposed to do.

I was able to register OpenHabItems manually as they are not registered when they are added in OpenHab. So of course "the error" is to be expected at the other side in the Z-Way Binding-Addon of Openhab (where I will take a look next) but still I wonder...

What is the correct parameter for vDevName? Is this DeviceID I get from calling http://MYZWAYSERVER:8083/ZAutomation/api/v1/namespaces/devices_all?

And last but not least (and to really add something "useful" here): I am not able to delete registered devices via the WebUI, the removeObserver() call is not executed correctly, it seems somehow the params are not added correctly or something, tested in Chrome Browser.

m-d-f commented 5 years ago

Ok, i see:

It is said that a following PR with web sockets would replace the functionality but didn't see yet if that was ever implemented ... so I guess it's ¯_(ツ)_/¯?

m-d-f commented 5 years ago

Ok, i guess I will go back to Openhab 2.2 for this time....

m-d-f commented 5 years ago

It seems the best way out of this situation for now is to use a Openhab 2.2 instance to do the registration of the devices in the OPenhab-Connector on the Z-Way-server but then to use an address of an 2.4 instance in the creation process or in the options of the Z-Way Binding on the Openhab 2.2 server. So you have the best of two worlds: Up to Date Plugin on openhab and a lazy men's workaround for the registration problem.

Will see if this workouts in the long run ....