pathec / ZWay-OpenHABConnector

This module register openHAB items that will notified after status changed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

No / Delayed Updates of Devices sent to Openhab #9

Open TS-Tec opened 4 years ago

TS-Tec commented 4 years ago

I have the issue with OpenHab 2.5, ZWay 3.0 and ZWay-OpenHAB-Connector 1.8 the issue:

Direction OpenHab --> Z-Way works fine! E.g. when I toggle a switch on my sitemap, the device switches correctly.

Direction Z-Way --> OpenHab does not work! When I change the state in ZWay Gut or with a physical device (e.g. build-in switch), OpenHab does not receive the state update or gets it delayed (sometimes minutes!).