patheros / PathSetXOmriCohen

Manuals and Issues for the Path Set X Omri Cohen plugins for VCV Rack
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EOC to Flip not working on 2nd PantherCap instance #16

Open mysterybear opened 11 months ago

mysterybear commented 11 months ago

Hi there, I've got a patch for this I think! Let me know if you need the .wav if it's not included in the patch file, though I think if you just add some random wav to both instances it should replicate the behaviour?

The first instance is flipping on every EOC, the desired behaviour is for the second instance to do the same, but for some reason the playback is just halted on the second one?

patheros commented 10 months ago

@mysterybear Thanks for the real clear patch.

So it sounds like you want the two modules to stay in sync? So I think the easiest way to get that is to configure them like so


Also turn the "Reset Position on Run or Record" to "Yes" for BOTH modules


In this configuration I get the two modules to stay in sync, and ping pong like I think you want.

Alternatively, there is as setting to just turn on Ping-Pong playback


In which case the configuration would be like


Let me know if that helps, or if you still want to dig into why your original patch is behaving the way it is.

mysterybear commented 9 months ago

Hi there,

Sorry for the late response, I've got my gear set up in a static location again now so should be a bit more active now!

I believe the outcome I was trying to achieve here was to have the two modules play in sequence and kind of pass each other the playing baton, you know? So one would play and when it would finish it would trigger the other one to play its loop... and that one could be set up to then trigger the first one again at the end of its loop

mysterybear commented 9 months ago

sorry ignore my last comment, I think to sequence multiple instances I just need to use the clock input and clock the module for its desired length, this is separate from this issue

I wonder if in the patch I shared the issue is actually replicated on your side? I could record a video if you like but the flip on the 2nd instance seems quite broken, like it just doesn't play properly, it jumps between the endpoints rather than playing through at all

patheros commented 9 months ago

I don't think a video is needed. The issue is with the 2nd copy of Panther Cap, you have it's clock input connected. When the clock input is connected, the run input is delayed until the next clock is high, but that doesn't happen since you have Run and Clock connected to the same input. This feature is meant to keep the run in sync with a clock input, when connected. Does that make any sense?

patheros commented 9 months ago

To achieve your desired effect of alternating between the two modules, this setup works for me. If I connected the flip to the EOC like you had, that messes it up.


mysterybear commented 9 months ago

Oh I see... Wouldn't it be nice if... If Run/Clock signals come in at "near enough" the same time, then it counts and run is activated?

patheros commented 9 months ago

Sure, but what you are trying to achieve by also connecting the clock in that particular patch?