patheros / PathSetXOmriCohen

Manuals and Issues for the Path Set X Omri Cohen plugins for VCV Rack
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Random Clicks when Recording in Panther Cap #7

Open patheros opened 1 year ago

patheros commented 1 year ago

From @omricohenmusic:

I also notice clicks when randomly recording audio on Panther Cap

Sample Patch (Unzip)

patheros commented 1 year ago

@Omri, so with random patches its really hard to know what's going on. So I tried to simply the patch down to something that I think makes a Click. I attached that in the Zip File.

In this case what is happening is when Panther Cap receives the gate to stop recording, it keeps recording for another 100 MS and linearly tappers off the volume. But since the trigger to stop recording is the clock, the start of next note gets recorded. In this case the attack is sharp on the sound and combined with the tapper is creating a very harsh sound some times.

I'm not sure if this is the only problem causing the clicks, but its the first one I found working from your patch.

mysterybear commented 11 months ago

Hi, I just purchased these modules and I'm getting clicks... Omri was pretty clear about there never being any clicks or pops in those YouTube vids heh :sweat_smile:

Edit: sorry sounds like I'm moaning, the modules are frigging awesome, I should say that! ... But if it's popping it's not usable for real life performance right? D:

patheros commented 11 months ago

@mysterybear Hey there. Thanks for purchasing the modules <3. I'm sorry you are getting clicks. Fixing this is probably going to take a bit of work to help figure out what is causing it for your setup.

  1. What's the simplest patch you can create that is having the clicks?
  2. Can you zip that patch up, and upload it here?
  3. What are the details of the system you are running this on (OS and Version)?
  4. What settings are you using inside of Rank (CPU Count and Frequency)?
mysterybear commented 11 months ago

@patheros cheers and sorry for late reply, I'm in between places so not getting much chance to get back to this!

I'm on Archlinux, kernel 6.4.7 with lots of proaudio packages installed (pipewire, I think realtime kernel stuff)

Rack is 2.3.0

It's a ThinkPad T440p so pretty old machine, 16GB RAM though

in the Audio module I use JACK with a Scarlett 4i4, 48kHz sample rate and 256 block size

I was just trying to create a simple patch to replicate this and before doing so I ran into another issue so I'll open that first and then see if I can cause some clicks again here!