pathwaycom / pathway

Python ETL framework for stream processing, real-time analytics, LLM pipelines, and RAG.
2.84k stars 98 forks source link

[Bug]: Error messages are not printed to screen when error happens on PATHWAY_PROCESS_ID > 0 #55

Open lewymati opened 1 month ago

lewymati commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce

import os

import pathway as pw

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = pw.demo.range_stream(nb_rows=7, input_rate=1, autocommit_duration_ms=37)

    def foo(val: int) -> int:
        if int(os.environ.get("PATHWAY_PROCESS_ID")) > 0:
            assert 1 == 2
        return val

    t2 =

Run with multiprocessing pathway spawn -n 4 python

Relevant log output

    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.91s
Preparing 4 processes (4 total workers)
    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.58s
[2024-05-20T09:49:42]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation
[2024-05-20T09:49:43]:INFO:Telemetry enabled
[2024-05-20T09:49:43]:INFO:PythonReader-0: 0 entries (1 minibatch(es)) have been sent to the engine
[2024-05-20T09:49:43]:INFO:NullWriter-0: Done writing 0 entries, time 1716191383656. Current batch writes took: 0 ms. All writes so far took: 0 ms.
thread 'pathway:recv-2' panicked at external/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/
timely communication error: reading data: socket closed
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
thread 'pathway:work-0' panicked at external/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/
MergeQueue poisoned.
thread 'thread 'thread 'pathway:send-3pathway:send-2pathway:send-1' panicked at ' panicked at ' panicked at external/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/bytes_exchange.rsexternal/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/bytes_exchange.rsexternal/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/
MergeQueue poisoned.:
MergeQueue poisoned.

MergeQueue poisoned.
thread 'thread 'pathway:recv-1<unnamed>' panicked at ' panicked at external/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/tcp.rsexternal/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/
timely communication error: reading data: socket closedSend thread panic: Any { .. }

thread 'pathway:recv-3' panicked at external/timely-dataflow/communication/src/allocator/zero_copy/
timely communication error: reading data: socket closed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mateusz/IoT-Pathway/", line 16, in <module>
  File "/home/mateusz/IoT-Pathway/public/pathway/python/pathway/internals/", line 19, in with_type_validation
    return beartype.beartype(f)(*args, **kwargs)
  File "<@beartype( at 0x7f97a922d440>", line 147, in run
  File "/home/mateusz/IoT-Pathway/public/pathway/python/pathway/internals/", line 51, in run
  File "/home/mateusz/IoT-Pathway/public/pathway/python/pathway/internals/graph_runner/", line 118, in run_outputs
    self.run_nodes(self._graph.global_scope.output_nodes, after_build=after_build)
  File "/home/mateusz/IoT-Pathway/public/pathway/python/pathway/internals/graph_runner/", line 94, in run_nodes
    self._run(all_nodes, after_build=after_build)
  File "/home/mateusz/IoT-Pathway/public/pathway/python/pathway/internals/graph_runner/", line 198, in _run
    return api.run_with_new_graph(
pathway.engine.EngineError: worker panic: MergeQueue poisoned.
Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending events
Waiting up to 2 seconds
Press Ctrl-C to quit

What did you expect to happen?

Clear error message stating that assertion failed.



Docker Versions (if used)

No response



On which CPU architecture did you run Pathway?
