patience4711 / ESP32-read-APS-inverters

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Inverter Page unusable after adding the 9th inverter #21

Closed jeffajst closed 1 month ago

jeffajst commented 2 months ago


thanks you for this great project and all your hard work.

I have a total of 9 inverters (6x DS3 and 3x QS1) connected. After adding the 9th inverter /INV_CONFIG page becomes unusable.

It looks like this: grafik

Nothing is clickable anymore, inverter data not editable anymore. Everything is fine until the 9th inverter is added.

I managed to pair it by manually navigating to:

I am suspecting a bug here, but not really sure. Maybe I did something wrong.

Is there any reason for the limit of a maximum of 9 inverters? I have a friend with about 16-20 inverters in use.

patience4711 commented 1 month ago

Yes there is a limit of 9 inverters, this is because the original platform ESP12E had not enough resources to do more than that. It is not so easy to extend. With an installation like that it might be preferable to buy a real ECU. Or multiple ESP ecu's.

Could you please confirm that pairing and polling works?

jeffajst commented 1 month ago

I do have a real ECU, but I don't want to use APSystems Cloud. I have a total of 9 inverters (6x DS3 and 3x QS1) connected. I used ESP32-ECU_v0-8 and a CC2530 with "CC25xxfirmware ds3/CC2530ZNP-with-SBL.hex" from

Pairing and Polling works, the only issue I have so far is that the /INV_CONFIG page becomes unusable after adding the 9th inverter as described in my first comment here.

patience4711 commented 1 month ago

So far i am able to reproduce this issue. The hiding of the add button when inverterCount > 9 introduced a small html error in the page. I corrected that. I also made some changes in the debugging system, read here

Here is the new bin you can update with. ESP32-ECU_v0-9.bin