patience4711 / read-APSystems-YC600-QS1-DS3

Software for an esp8266 nodemcu to read data from APS inverters.
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additional mqtt format possible? #56

Closed baba2k closed 1 year ago

baba2k commented 1 year ago

Hi all, i wanna use an APSystems DS3-S with this great tool. Pairing was successfull but the polling fails with error code 15.

* * connection opened * *
set diagnose to 1
zb send poll cmd inverter 0 cmd:1D2401146C1414060001000F1380971B01A3D8FBFB06BB000000000000C1FEFE51
polling answer FE0164010064FE034480001401D2
no route receipt
ignoring, received FE0164010064FE034480001401D2
polling failed 15

Any idea?


patience4711 commented 1 year ago

Hard to say, what hardware do you use? In most of the cases it is a range problem. Try moving the ecu closer to the inverter.
If you checked the inverter serial nr and the ECU id it should work. Sometimes rebooting the esp or the inverter (wait until tomorrow) helps.

baba2k commented 1 year ago

My Hardeware is NodeMCU + H2 Z-002 (TICC2530 CC2591). My inverter ist an APSystems DS3-S and the Serial ist correct. The pairing was successfully, only the polling does not work. The Hardware is only 4m away from the inverter.

baba2k commented 1 year ago

But i'am using an 1A/3W (5V) power supply for the NodeMCU, is this enough? At the wiki it is sometimes 3W and sometimes 3A

patience4711 commented 1 year ago

If the pairing works, the power is enough i would think.

baba2k commented 1 year ago

I tried it again and it works now! This morning there was little sun, maybe it was too little? The DS3 has according to the LED also produced power this morning

patience4711 commented 1 year ago

Oke good, sometimes it needs a little time. So you are still working with version 9_5? Do you see the signal quality value in the info page? Can you tell me what the value is?

baba2k commented 1 year ago

Yes it is 9_5 and signal quality is 84.4%

patience4711 commented 1 year ago

That looks good. If you have more data as to the distance ecu - inverter and the signal quality value, you can help me greatly by reporting them. With your module i would be interested in the value at very close range and the value at which the polling answers fail. This way i can compare different zigbee modules. Thanks in advance

baba2k commented 1 year ago

Sure! Today i've installed my panels. First test: 5 meter with wall 57,3% and no answers failed. I will do some more tests in the next days and give you the results.

@patience4711 I miss the current and voltage of the panels and ac volt + signal quality in the mqtt json message. Also temp, p0, p1 and energy are strings and not float/numbers. Ist it possible to fix this in a future version? The panels are numbered from 1 on the inverter and in the web interface, but in the mqtt json message the panels start with 0.

It would also be nice to have a total energy in kWh instead of/additional to energy per day.



patience4711 commented 1 year ago

You want all the data, some values as numbers, the json would be something like this: {"serial":"x","acv":x,"freq":x,"temp":x,"dcv":[dcv0, dcv1, dcv2, dcv3],"dcc":[dcc0,dcc1,dcc2,dcc3],"pwr":[p0, pw1, pw2, pw3], "en":[en0, en1, en2, en3]} Would that be what you want? Forget the numbering on the inverter, in software the 0 comes first. In this test version you can enable mqtt by choosing a format. format 3 is what you want as far as programming space this allows. I left the totals out because your software can calculate this easely. The total energy you mean, is that the total over multiple days? That is not very usefull because that value would be lost at every reset. ESP_ECU-v96_BETA Could you test this (after softwareupgrade you need to check your settings because of changes in the filesystem) and report back?

baba2k commented 1 year ago

Great, that was fast :-) Thank you! I already installed it and will give you feedback tomorrow. ~What do you think of a "total energy" in addition or instead of "energy per day"? The Shelly Plus 1 PM does it that way for example. Currently, data is lost once the home automation system is down for one day. Also, it is not easy for me to add up the individual days to calculate a "total energy" myself. The home automation system expects a counter variable that does not reset itself every day.~

baba2k commented 1 year ago

The total energy you mean, is that the total over multiple days? That is not very usefull because that value would be lost at every reset.

Didn't saw this. Okay then i've to find a solution in my home automation system. Sorry i am not familiar with esp. Of course, this can't work without a memory card, I overlooked that.

baba2k commented 1 year ago

Great, it works! Is it possible to construct the json separated by channel? Currently, the representation in the home automation system is not grouped by panel:


I would need a json construct like this to get a separation by channel/panel:

  "serial": "aaa",
  "acv": 233.3,
  "freq": 50.2,
  "temp": 18.2,
  "ch0": {
    "dcv": 35.1,
    "dcc": 0.9,
    "pwr": 33.8,
    "en": 112.16
  "ch1": {
    "dcv": 35.2,
    "dcc": 0.7,
    "pwr": 31.3,
    "en": 124.18
  "total": {
    "pwr": 62.5,
    "en": 413.29

Is this possible with not too much effort? Thank you very much!

I have seen that the "energy per day" remains after all over a reboot. Doesn't it make sense to create a "total engery over multiple days" like the other power meters (and ECU-R) have? There could be a field in the web interface where the data can be set or restored manually after a reset.

Next range test over 24 hours: 8 meters, 2 walls and 21.2% signal quality. Everything works great!

patience4711 commented 1 year ago

That would be a long string with dcv dcc pwr en 4 times in it. What would you think of this much more efficient json.? This way you have to remember yourself "dcv dcc pwr en", your software can handle that. But i think your software should be able to group the data any way you want from the format3 mqtt message. I don't have much more programming space left to fullfill every individual wishes as to the mosquitto format. What home automation system do you have? Maybe i can add this compact json: } "serial": "aaa", "acv": 233.3, "freq": 50.2, "temp": 18.2, "ch0": [35.1, 0.9, 33.8, 112.16], "ch1": [35.2, 0.7, 31.3, 124.18], "totals": [62.5,413.29] } I added a format4 (the json above) in esp-ecu-v9_6_BETA2, i hope that this is usefull for you and/or others.

baba2k commented 1 year ago

Interesting, I didn't know that the length of the JSON string is relevant. Then gladly also in this format. However, the new format in 9.6 also looks good:

Thanks for your effort

patience4711 commented 1 year ago

That is not an mqtt message but the answer to a htpp request. The longer the string the more programming is involved, this is relevant since programming memory space is almost consumed. I like to keep some spare memory for really important issues. That is why i skipped the signal quality, that is not a key figure. In the end the only key figure is yield i think ...

baba2k commented 1 year ago

@patience4711 the first array element is always 0 at "totals": [62.5,413.29] in v9.6

Thank you!

patience4711 commented 1 year ago

Yes i forgot that i left out totals assuming that home automation software can totalize values. If you download and install again (vers 13:00hr) it should be fixed. I can't test myself (i am using the raspberry implementation) so this is all a bit difficult. I still don't know what home automation system you work with?