patil-suraj / onnx_transformers

Accelerated NLP pipelines for fast inference on CPU. Built with Transformers and ONNX runtime.
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run error in benchmark_pipelines.ipynb on Win 10 #3

Open baiziyuandyufei opened 3 years ago

baiziyuandyufei commented 3 years ago

when I run onnx_transformers\notebooks\benchmark_pipelines.ipynb,I got error below: onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.InvalidArgument: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 2 : INVALID_ARGUMENT : Unexpected input data type. only use nlp_torch = pipeline("feature-extraction", onnx=False),get the inference time figure.

patil-suraj commented 3 years ago

hi @baiziyuandyufei did you get this error after running nlp_torch = pipeline("feature-extraction", onnx=False) ?

baiziyuandyufei commented 3 years ago

thanks @patil-suraj if only run nlp_torch = pipeline("feature-extraction", onnx=False), no problem. but run nlp_onnx = pipeline("feature-extraction", onnx=True), will get error.

patil-suraj commented 3 years ago

Could you post your env info (transformers version, onnruntime version, torch version etc) ? I ran the notebook again and couldn't reproduce the issue.

baiziyuandyufei commented 3 years ago

My operating system environment is Win10 Professional. My env info: >pip list Package Version ----------------- --------- certifi 2020.6.20 chardet 3.0.4 click 7.1.2 coloredlogs 14.0 cycler 0.10.0 dataclasses 0.7 filelock 3.0.12 future 0.18.2 humanfriendly 8.2 idna 2.10 joblib 0.16.0 kiwisolver 1.2.0 matplotlib 3.3.1 numpy 1.19.1 onnx 1.7.0 onnx-transformers 0.1.0 onnxruntime 1.4.0 onnxruntime-tools 1.4.2 packaging 20.4 pandas 1.1.2 Pillow 7.2.0 pip 20.2.3 protobuf 3.13.0 psutil 5.7.2 py-cpuinfo 7.0.0 py3nvml 0.2.6 pyparsing 2.4.7 pyreadline 2.1 python-dateutil 2.8.1 pytz 2020.1 regex 2020.7.14 requests 2.24.0 sacremoses 0.0.43 scipy 1.5.2 seaborn 0.11.0 sentencepiece 0.1.91 setuptools 36.4.0 six 1.15.0 tokenizers 0.8.1rc2 torch 1.6.0+cpu torchvision 0.7.0+cpu tqdm 4.48.2 transformers 3.1.0 typing-extensions urllib3 1.25.10 wheel 0.29.0 wincertstore 0.2 xmltodict 0.12.0

baiziyuandyufei commented 3 years ago

@patil-suraj I don't know if I'm right. I estimate the reason is that the distilbert-base-cased model has not been download. Under MacOS, It will automatically download the distilbert-base-cased file, (I dowload the model manually, and set the pipline's parameter model='./distilbert-base-cased') run it again, there's no problem. the distilbert-base-cased model file include: config.json modelcard.json pytorch_model.bin tf_model.h5 these file can be downlaoded from and need download the vocab.txt the vocab.txt can be downloaded from

baiziyuandyufei commented 3 years ago

With Win10, errors occur even when the local model is used.

patil-suraj commented 3 years ago

I haven't tested on windows not sure about onnx support on windows, so can't much here

baiziyuandyufei commented 3 years ago

The problem is in the numpy array type, which defaults to INT32 in Windows, modify the function _forward_onnx in onnx_transformers\ file. modified detail:

   def _forward_onnx(self, inputs, return_tensors=False):
        # inputs_onnx = {k: v.cpu().detach().numpy() for k, v in inputs.items() if k in self.input_names}
        # inputs_onnx = {k: v for k, v in inputs.items() if k in self.input_names}
        inputs_onnx = {k: v.astype(np.int64) for k, v in inputs.items() if k in self.input_names}
        predictions =, inputs_onnx)
        return predictions
patil-suraj commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much @baiziyuandyufei ! I'll run tests again with this change and update the code.