I would like to be able to take simple .swift classes that are merely models with instance variables, enums, constructors, accessors & mutators and convert them to java. I develop for both platforms and I often write the iOS apps first because that is typically what the clients want first. If you know of a way please point me in the right direction and if you have time please write a requirements guide for this library ( dependencies for running and simple example code for how to run it )
I would like to be able to take simple .swift classes that are merely models with instance variables, enums, constructors, accessors & mutators and convert them to java. I develop for both platforms and I often write the iOS apps first because that is typically what the clients want first. If you know of a way please point me in the right direction and if you have time please write a requirements guide for this library ( dependencies for running and simple example code for how to run it )