Closed nileshjchoudhary closed 3 years ago
Dear Nilesh,
Thanks for using the program! The default number used as the frequency cut-off (100 cm-1) comes from the original paper of the quasi-harmonic correction from Grimme ( You can read more about the impact of using different frequency cut-offs in the GoodVibes paper (
To be honest, as far as the cut-off is within reasonable limits you'll have similar results (i.e. using 50 or 150 cm-1 will lead to very similar results most of the time).
Also, be aware that the quasi-harmonic correction for enthalpy from Head-Gordon and coworkers was designed for measuring adsorption enthalpies (original paper for more information --> If you are studying a reaction mechanism, I would not include it, and I would just use the quasi-harmonic entropy correction. The imaginary frequency you mentioned coming from the TS is ignored for calculating thermodynamic corrections (imaginary frequencies are also ignored in Gaussian).
Hope this helps! Juan
Dear jvalegre, Thanks for answering. also adding comment about, a reaction mechanism, This is great help for me. I am a learner. I will read suggested papers.
Dear Jvalegre,
I am searching reason behind this statement
"If you are studying a reaction mechanism, I would not include it, and I would just use the quasi-harmonic entropy correction."
Is that mean reaction mechanism does not require entahlpy correction? and they why ? Why only we need quasi-harmonic entropy correction not entropy
Can you please explain or give some reading material for same.(I am new in this field)
Dear Nilesh,
I believe the three papers suggested in my first comment will be quite useful for your questions : 1) Quasi-harmonic correction from Grimme ( 2) GoodVibes paper ( 3) Quasi-harmonic correction for enthalpy from Head-Gordon and coworkers (
Regarding your questions: Is that mean reaction mechanism does not require entahlpy correction? - Commonly we don't use quasi-harmonic enthalpy corrections to study reaction mechanisms, we only use quasi-harmonic entropy corrections.
and they why ? - The quasi-harmonic correction for enthalpy was originally designed for measuring adsorption enthalpies, treating one component as a surface (which is different from most of the reaction mechanisms that happen in solution phase). Please, check reference number 3 from Head-Gordon and coworkers for a more detailed explanation.
Hope this helps! Juan
Thank Juan,
I am following the papers
Dear Prof. Paton lab, Thanks for the great package, I am using it for Quasi-harmonic entropy correction and enthalpy correction" for gaussian output(transition state) Now, I am confused about frequency.
-f FREQ_CUTOFF Cut-off frequency for both entropy and enthalpy (wavenumbers) (default = 100) --fs S_FREQ_CUTOFF Cut-off frequency for entropy (wavenumbers) (default =100) --fh H_FREQ_CUTOFF Cut-off frequency for enthalpy (wavenumbers) (default = 100)
How to decide it should be 100 150 or any number While we are having many vibrational frequency including -negetive one(for ts)