patricegautier / unifiZabbix

Zabbix templates to monitor pretty much all Unifi devices
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SSH Agent #68

Closed pax0707 closed 2 years ago

pax0707 commented 2 years ago

Think something went snafu.

I can't get items that use sshrun to work. On the test I get this: image One / too many and shouldn't it use the private key?

I would guess that key path should be "/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts" but when I use that mcadump doesn't work. This way it works but sshrun doesn't. image


patricegautier commented 2 years ago

the keys are in the wrong location likely..

What do you have for SSHKeyLocation in your zabbix_server.conf?

see the readme at "4/ You then need to point Zabbix to those keys."

pax0707 commented 2 years ago

The same thing. Without the trailing slash.


patricegautier commented 2 years ago

mm.. when you say mac-dump doesn't work, what's the error?

patricegautier commented 2 years ago

Also, for what it's worth, I have the keys in a separate directory from the script directory.

ssh can be quite paranoid about permissions too, so maybe the ownership of the directory above the keys matters