patrick-kidger / diffrax

Numerical differential equation solvers in JAX. Autodifferentiable and GPU-capable.
Apache License 2.0
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Performance issue with SDE solver #517

Open pierreguilmin opened 3 days ago

pierreguilmin commented 3 days ago


When solving the (trivial) SDE $d y_t = -y_t\ dt + 0.2\ dW_t$, the Diffrax Euler solver is ~200x slower than a naive for loop. Am I doing something wrong? The speed difference is consistent across various SDEs, solvers, time steps dt, and number of trajectories, and it appears to be specific to SDE solvers.

import diffrax as dx
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# === simulation parameters
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
t0 = 0
t1 = 1
y0 = 1.0
ndt = 101
dt = (t1 - t0) / (ndt - 1)
drift = lambda t, y, args: -y
diffusion = lambda t, y, args: 0.2

# === diffrax euler
brownian_motion = dx.VirtualBrownianTree(t0, t1, tol=1e-3, shape=(), key=key)
solver = dx.Euler()
terms = dx.MultiTerm(dx.ODETerm(drift), dx.ControlTerm(diffusion, brownian_motion))
saveat = dx.SaveAt(ts=jnp.linspace(t0, t1, ndt))

def diffrax_simu():
    return dx.diffeqsolve(terms, solver, t0, t1, dt0=dt, y0=y0, saveat=saveat).ys

# === homemade euler
def homemade_simu():
    dWs = jnp.sqrt(dt) * jax.random.normal(key, (ndt,))

    def step(y, dW):
        dy = drift(None, y, None) * dt + diffusion(None, y, None) * dW
        return y + dy, y

    return jax.lax.scan(step, 1.0, dWs)[-1]

# === plot a single trajectory
y = diffrax_simu()
y = homemade_simu()

# === benchmark
%timeit diffrax_simu().block_until_ready()
%timeit homemade_simu().block_until_ready()
5.39 ms ± 261 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
19.7 μs ± 899 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)
lockwo commented 3 days ago

I get them to be a lot closer by using UnsafeBrownianPath, which has less overhead than VBT. Diffrax is still a bit slower with this change on my machine, but the difference is smaller (and probably due to other overheads that diffrax does to enable more features).

There's also some risky (but often useful) changes to UBP we've made internally that I've been meaning to put in the fork, so you can definitely do a fair amount with modifications to UBP (being able to get through all 3 stated requirements).

patrick-kidger commented 3 days ago

Yup, VBT is often the cause of poor SDE performance. Really we need some kind of LRU caching to make it behave properly, but that doesn't seem to be easy in JAX -- I'm pretty sure it'd require both a new primitive ('cached_call_p') and a new transform. That's a fairly advanced project for someone to take on!

In the meantime I recommend UBP as the go-to for these kinds of normal 'just solve an SDE' applications.

lockwo commented 3 days ago

I think a lot of people get turned off by the Unsafe in the name, maybe worth adding a sentence like this to the docs ("In the meantime I recommend UBP as the go-to for these kinds of normal 'just solve an SDE' applications.").

gautierronan commented 3 days ago

Thanks. Indeed using UBP does help but I understand it's quite restricted in terms of usage.

Diffrax is still a bit slower with this change on my machine, but the difference is smaller (and probably due to other overheads that diffrax does to enable more features).

It seems there is still a factor ~10-20 difference (irrespective of number of time steps) between the homemade solver and diffrax with UBP. I would have naively thought that any irrelevant computation would be jitted away. Could you elaborate on what diffrax with UBP does compared to the naive solver?

Diffrax (VBT): 7.51 ms ± 18.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Diffrax (UBP): 637 µs ± 2.23 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
Naive:         28.5 µs ± 147 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)
lockwo commented 2 days ago

Diffrax has a lot more checking/shaping/logging than the default implementation. You can see it reflected in the jaxprs:

diffrax ``` let _where = { lambda ; a:bool[] b:i32[] c:i32[]. let d:i32[] = select_n a c b in (d,) } in let _where1 = { lambda ; e:bool[] f:f32[] g:f32[]. let h:f32[] = select_n e g f in (h,) } in let _where2 = { lambda ; i:bool[] j:f32[] k:f32[]. let l:f32[] = select_n i k j in (l,) } in let _where3 = { lambda ; m:bool[] n:i32[] o:f32[]. let p:f32[] = convert_element_type[new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False] n q:f32[] = select_n m o p in (q,) } in { lambda ; . let r:f32[4096] = pjit[ name=diffrax_simu jaxpr={ lambda s:u32[2]; . let _:i32[] = add 1 1 _:i32[] _:f32[] _:f32[] _:f32[4096] t:f32[4096] _:i32[] _:i32[] _:i32[] _:i32[] = pjit[ name=diffeqsolve jaxpr={ lambda u:bool[] v:bool[] w:bool[] x:bool[]; y:u32[2]. let _:i32[] = add 1 1 _:i32[] = pjit[ name=branched_error_if_impl jaxpr={ lambda ; z:f32[]. let in (0,) } ] 0.009999999776482582 ba:bool[] = lt 0.0 1.0 bb:i32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where] ba 1 -1 bc:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bb bd:f32[] = mul 0.0 bc be:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bb bf:f32[] = mul 1.0 be bg:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bb bh:f32[] = mul 0.009999999776482582 bg bi:f32[] = add bd bh bj:f32[] = min bi bf bk:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=True ] bb bl:f32[] = mul bk inf bm:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bl bn:f32[4096] = broadcast_in_dim[ broadcast_dimensions=() shape=(4096,) ] bm bo:f32[4096] = broadcast_in_dim[ broadcast_dimensions=() shape=(4096,) ] inf bp:f32[] = copy 1.0 bq:f32[] = copy bd br:f32[] = copy bj bs:f32[] = copy bh bt:f32[4096] = copy bn bu:f32[4096] = copy bo bv:bool[] = lt bq bf bw:bool[] = and bv u bx:bool[] = copy bw _:i32[] _:bool[] _:bool[] by:f32[] bz:f32[] ca:f32[] _:bool[] cb:f32[] cc:i32[] cd:i32[] ce:i32[] cf:i32[] cg:i32[] ch:f32[4096] ci:f32[4096] cj:i32[] = while[ body_jaxpr={ lambda ; ck:i32[] cl:u32[2] cm:f32[] cn:f32[] co:bool[] cp:i32[] cq:bool[] cr:bool[] cs:f32[] ct:f32[] cu:f32[] cv:bool[] cw:f32[] cx:i32[] cy:i32[] cz:i32[] da:i32[] db:i32[] dc:f32[4096] dd:f32[4096] de:i32[]. let df:bool[] = eq ck 1 dg:f32[] = neg cu dh:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where1] df ct dg di:bool[] = eq ck 1 dj:f32[] = neg ct dk:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where1] di cu dj dl:f32[] = sub dk dh dm:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] ck dn:f32[] = mul dm dl do:bool[] = eq ck 1 dp:f32[] = neg cu dq:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where1] do ct dp dr:bool[] = eq ck 1 ds:f32[] = neg ct dt:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where1] dr cu ds _:i32[] = add 1 1 _:i32[] du:f32[] = pjit[ name=evaluate jaxpr={ lambda ; dv:u32[2] dw:f32[] dx:f32[]. let dy:f32[] = custom_jvp_call[ call_jaxpr={ lambda ; dz:f32[]. let in (dz,) } jvp_jaxpr_thunk=.memoized at 0x7ef9d5f12440> num_consts=0 symbolic_zeros=False ] dw ea:f32[] = custom_jvp_call[ call_jaxpr={ lambda ; eb:f32[]. let in (eb,) } jvp_jaxpr_thunk=.memoized at 0x7ef9d5f125f0> num_consts=0 symbolic_zeros=False ] dx ec:i32[] = bitcast_convert_type[new_dtype=int32] dy ed:i32[] = bitcast_convert_type[new_dtype=int32] ea ee:key[] = random_wrap[impl=fry] dv ef:u32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=uint32 weak_type=False ] ec eg:key[] = random_fold_in ee ef eh:u32[2] = random_unwrap eg ei:key[] = random_wrap[impl=fry] eh ej:u32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=uint32 weak_type=False ] ed ek:key[] = random_fold_in ei ej el:u32[2] = random_unwrap ek em:key[] = random_wrap[impl=fry] el en:key[1] = random_split[shape=(1,)] em eo:u32[1,2] = random_unwrap en ep:u32[1,2] = slice[ limit_indices=(1, 2) start_indices=(0, 0) strides=(1, 1) ] eo eq:u32[2] = squeeze[dimensions=(0,)] ep er:f32[] = sub ea dy es:f32[] = sqrt er _:f32[] = sub ea dy et:key[] = random_wrap[impl=fry] eq eu:f32[] = pjit[ name=_normal jaxpr={ lambda ; ev:key[]. let ew:f32[] = pjit[ name=_normal_real jaxpr={ lambda ; ex:key[]. let ey:f32[] = pjit[ name=_uniform jaxpr={ lambda ; ez:key[] fa:f32[] fb:f32[]. let fc:u32[] = random_bits[ bit_width=32 shape=() ] ez fd:u32[] = shift_right_logical fc 9 fe:u32[] = or fd 1065353216 ff:f32[] = bitcast_convert_type[ new_dtype=float32 ] fe fg:f32[] = sub ff 1.0 fh:f32[] = sub fb fa fi:f32[] = mul fg fh fj:f32[] = add fi fa fk:f32[] = reshape[ dimensions=None new_sizes=() ] fj fl:f32[] = max fa fk in (fl,) } ] ex -0.9999999403953552 1.0 fm:f32[] = erf_inv ey fn:f32[] = mul 1.4142135381698608 fm in (fn,) } ] ev in (ew,) } ] et fo:f32[] = mul eu es in (0, fo) } ] cl dq dt fp:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] ck fq:f32[] = mul fp du fr:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] ck _:f32[] = mul ct fr fs:f32[] = neg cs ft:f32[] = mul dn fs fu:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] ck _:f32[] = mul ct fu fv:f32[] = dot_general[ dimension_numbers=(([], []), ([], [])) preferred_element_type=float32 ] 0.20000000298023224 fq fw:f32[] = add ft fv fx:f32[] = add cs fw fy:f32[] = add cu cw fz:f32[] = min cu cm ga:f32[] = sub cm 9.999999974752427e-07 gb:bool[] = gt fy ga gc:f32[] = sub cm fz gd:f32[] = mul 0.5 gc ge:f32[] = add fz gd gf:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where2] True cm ge gg:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where2] gb gf fy gh:bool[] = eq cn cm gi:f32[] = sub fz cn gj:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where3] gh 0 gi gk:f32[] = sub cm cn gl:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where3] gh 1 gk _:f32[] = div gj gl gm:f32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where2] True fx cs gn:i32[] = add cy 1 go:i32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where] True 1 0 gp:i32[] = add cz go gq:i32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where] True 0 1 gr:i32[] = add da gq gs:bool[] = and True cq gt:f32[] = copy fz gu:f32[4096] = maybe_set[ i_static=None i_treedef=PyTreeDef(*) kwargs={} makes_false_steps=False ] gs dc gt de gv:bool[] = and True cq gw:f32[] = copy gm gx:f32[4096] = maybe_set[ i_static=None i_treedef=PyTreeDef(*) kwargs={} makes_false_steps=False ] gv dd gw de gy:i32[] = pjit[name=_where jaxpr=_where] True 1 0 gz:i32[] = add de gy ha:f32[] = copy gm hb:f32[] = copy fz hc:f32[] = copy gg hd:f32[] = copy cw he:i32[] = copy gn hf:i32[] = copy gp hg:i32[] = copy gr hh:i32[] = copy db hi:f32[4096] = copy gu _:bool[] = copy cq hj:f32[4096] = copy gx _:bool[] = copy cq hk:i32[] = copy gz hl:bool[] = copy cq hm:f32[] = copy ha hn:f32[] = copy cs ho:f32[] = select_if_vmap hl hm hn hp:bool[] = copy cq hq:f32[] = copy hb hr:f32[] = copy ct hs:f32[] = select_if_vmap hp hq hr ht:bool[] = copy cq hu:f32[] = copy hc hv:f32[] = copy cu hw:f32[] = select_if_vmap ht hu hv hx:bool[] = copy cq hy:bool[] = copy False hz:bool[] = copy cv ia:bool[] = select_if_vmap hx hy hz ib:bool[] = copy cq ic:f32[] = copy hd id:f32[] = copy cw ie:f32[] = select_if_vmap ib ic id if:bool[] = copy cq ig:i32[] = copy 0 ih:i32[] = copy cx ii:i32[] = select_if_vmap if ig ih ij:bool[] = copy cq ik:i32[] = copy he il:i32[] = copy cy im:i32[] = select_if_vmap ij ik il in:bool[] = copy cq io:i32[] = copy hf ip:i32[] = copy cz iq:i32[] = select_if_vmap in io ip ir:bool[] = copy cq is:i32[] = copy hg it:i32[] = copy da iu:i32[] = select_if_vmap ir is it iv:bool[] = copy cq iw:i32[] = copy hh ix:i32[] = copy db iy:i32[] = select_if_vmap iv iw ix iz:bool[] = copy cq ja:i32[] = copy hk jb:i32[] = copy de jc:i32[] = select_if_vmap iz ja jb jd:i32[] = add cp 1 je:bool[] = lt hb cm jf:bool[] = and je co jg:bool[] = and cq jf in (jd, jg, cq, ho, hs, hw, ia, ie, ii, im, iq, iu, iy, hi, hj, jc) } body_nconsts=5 cond_jaxpr={ lambda ; jh:f32[] ji:bool[] jj:i32[] jk:bool[] jl:bool[] jm:f32[] jn:f32[] jo:f32[] jp:bool[] jq:f32[] jr:i32[] js:i32[] jt:i32[] ju:i32[] jv:i32[] jw:f32[4096] jx:f32[4096] jy:i32[]. let jz:bool[] = lt jn jh ka:bool[] = and jz ji kb:bool[] = unvmap_any ka kc:bool[] = lt jj 4096 kd:bool[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=bool weak_type=False ] kc ke:bool[] = and kb kd kf:bool[] = nonbatchable[ allow_constant_across_batch=True msg=Nonconstant batch. `equinox.internal.while_loop` has received a batch of values that were expected to be constant. This is probably an internal error in the library you are using. ] ke in (kf,) } cond_nconsts=2 ] bf v bb y bf bd w 0 bx True bp bq br False bs 0 0 0 0 0 bt bu 0 kg:bool[] = lt bz bf kh:bool[] = and kg x ki:i32[] = pjit[ name=_where jaxpr={ lambda ; kj:bool[] kk:i32[] kl:i32[]. let km:i32[] = select_n kj kl kk in (km,) } ] kh 1 cc _:f32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] by _:f32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] bz _:f32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] ca _:f32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] cb kn:i32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] ki ko:i32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] cd kp:i32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] ce kq:i32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] cf _:i32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] cg kr:f32[4096] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] ch ks:f32[4096] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] ci _:i32[] = nondifferentiable_backward[ msg=Cannot reverse-mode autodifferentiate when using `UnsafeBrownianPath`. symbolic=True ] cj kt:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bb ku:f32[4096] = mul kr kt kv:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bb kw:f32[] = mul bd kv kx:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bb ky:f32[] = mul bf kx kz:bool[] = eq kn 0 la:bool[] = eq kn 8 lb:bool[] = or kz la lc:bool[] = not lb _:i32[] = add 1 1 _:i32[] ld:f32[] le:f32[] lf:f32[4096] lg:f32[4096] lh:i32[] li:i32[] lj:i32[] lk:i32[] = pjit[ name=branched_error_if_impl jaxpr={ lambda ; ll:f32[] lm:f32[] ln:f32[4096] lo:f32[4096] lp:i32[] lq:i32[] lr:i32[] ls:i32[] lt:bool[] lu:i32[]. let lv:bool[] = unvmap_any lt lw:i32[] = unvmap_max lu lx:f32[] ly:f32[] lz:f32[4096] ma:f32[4096] mb:i32[] mc:i32[] md:i32[] me:i32[] = custom_jvp_call[ call_jaxpr={ lambda ; mf:f32[] mg:f32[] mh:f32[4096] mi:f32[4096] mj:i32[] mk:i32[] ml:i32[] mm:i32[] mn:bool[] mo:i32[]. let mp:i32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=int32 weak_type=False ] mn mq:f32[] mr:f32[] ms:f32[4096] mt:f32[4096] mu:i32[] mv:i32[] mw:i32[] mx:i32[] = cond[ branches=( { lambda ; my_:i32[] mz:f32[] na:f32[] nb:f32[4096] nc:f32[4096] nd:i32[] ne:i32[] nf:i32[] ng:i32[]. let in (mz, na, nb, nc, nd, ne, nf, ng) } { lambda ; nh:i32[] ni_:f32[] nj_:f32[] nk_:f32[4096] nl_:f32[4096] nm_:i32[] nn_:i32[] no_:i32[] np_:i32[]. let nq:f32[] nr:f32[] ns:f32[4096] nt:f32[4096] nu:i32[] nv:i32[] nw:i32[] nx:i32[] = pure_callback[ callback=_FlatCallback(callback_func=.raises at 0x7ef9d5b48160>, in_tree=PyTreeDef(((*,), {}))) result_avals=(ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[4096]), ShapedArray(float32[4096]), ShapedArray(int32[]), ShapedArray(int32[]), ShapedArray(int32[]), ShapedArray(int32[])) sharding=None vectorized=False ] nh ny:f32[] nz:f32[] oa:f32[4096] ob:f32[4096] oc:i32[] od:i32[] oe:i32[] of:i32[] = pure_callback[ callback=_FlatCallback(callback_func=.tpu_msg at 0x7ef9d5b481f0>, in_tree=PyTreeDef(((CustomNode(Solution[('t0', 't1', 'ts', 'ys', 'interpolation', 'stats', 'result', 'solver_state', 'controller_state', 'made_jump', 'event_mask'), (), ()], [*, *, *, *, None, {'max_steps': None, 'num_accepted_steps': *, 'num_rejected_steps': *, 'num_steps': *}, CustomNode(EnumerationItem[('_value',), ('_enumeration',), (,)], [*]), None, None, None, None]), *), {}))) result_avals=(ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[]), ShapedArray(float32[4096]), ShapedArray(float32[4096]), ShapedArray(int32[]), ShapedArray(int32[]), ShapedArray(int32[]), ShapedArray(int32[])) sharding=None vectorized=False ] nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx nh in (ny, nz, oa, ob, oc, od, oe, of) } ) ] mp mo mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm in (mq, mr, ms, mt, mu, mv, mw, mx) } jvp_jaxpr_thunk=.memoized at 0x7ef9d5b48790> num_consts=0 symbolic_zeros=True ] ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lv lw in (0, lx, ly, lz, ma, mb, mc, md, me) } ] kw ky ku ks kp kq ko kn lc kn in (0, ld, le, lf, lg, lh, li, lj, lk) } ] s in (t,) } ] in (r,) } ```
pure jax ``` { lambda ; . let a:f32[101] = pjit[ name=homemade_simu jaxpr={ lambda b:u32[2]; . let c:f32[] = sqrt 0.01 d:key[] = random_wrap[impl=fry] b e:f32[101] = pjit[ name=_normal jaxpr={ lambda ; f:key[]. let g:f32[101] = pjit[ name=_normal_real jaxpr={ lambda ; h:key[]. let i:f32[101] = pjit[ name=_uniform jaxpr={ lambda ; j:key[] k:f32[] l:f32[]. let m:f32[1] = broadcast_in_dim[ broadcast_dimensions=() shape=(1,) ] k n:f32[1] = broadcast_in_dim[ broadcast_dimensions=() shape=(1,) ] l o:u32[101] = random_bits[bit_width=32 shape=(101,)] j p:u32[101] = shift_right_logical o 9 q:u32[101] = or p 1065353216 r:f32[101] = bitcast_convert_type[new_dtype=float32] q s:f32[101] = sub r 1.0 t:f32[1] = sub n m u:f32[101] = mul s t v:f32[101] = add u m w:f32[101] = max m v in (w,) } ] h -0.9999999403953552 1.0 x:f32[101] = erf_inv i y:f32[101] = mul 1.4142135381698608 x in (y,) } ] f in (g,) } ] d z:f32[] = convert_element_type[new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False] c ba:f32[101] = mul z e _:f32[] bb:f32[101] = scan[ _split_transpose=False jaxpr={ lambda ; bc:f32[] bd:f32[]. let be:f32[] = neg bc bf:f32[] = mul be 0.01 bg:f32[] = mul 0.20000000298023224 bd bh:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bf bi:f32[] = add bh bg bj:f32[] = convert_element_type[ new_dtype=float32 weak_type=False ] bc bk:f32[] = add bj bi in (bk, bc) } length=101 linear=(False, False) num_carry=1 num_consts=0 reverse=False unroll=1 ] 1.0 ba in (bb,) } ] in (a,) } ```

I believe most of this comes from the UBP, since if I do

def homemade_simu():
    ts = jnp.linspace(t0, t1, ndt)

    def step(y, t):
        dw = brownian_motion.evaluate(t, t + dt)
        dy = drift(None, y, None) * dt + diffusion(None, y, None) * dw
        return y + dy, y

    return jax.lax.scan(step, 1.0, ts)[-1]

I see the times are pretty much the same. Perhaps this does indicate that there is room for cutting down the speed costs of the UBP related overhead.

patrick-kidger commented 2 days ago

FWIW I think the speed difference here does seem unacceptably large. This seems like it should be improved.

Starting with the low-hanging fruit to be sure we're doing more of an equal comparison: can you try setting EQX_ON_ERROR=nan and diffeqsolve(throw=False), to disable all error checks. Those are fairly slow.

Also, can you try using stepsize_controller=StepTo(...). By default Diffrax does not recompile if the number of steps changes (e.g. because t1 changes), but a lax.scan implementation does. Diffrax pays a small amount of runtime cost for this generality. Using StepTo instead bakes in the discretisation in the same way as a lax.scan.

lockwo commented 2 days ago

With throw=False, EQX_ERROR=NAN and step to, this is what I see

code ```python import os os.environ["EQX_ON_ERROR"] = "nan" import diffrax as dx import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # === simulation parameters key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42) t0 = 0 t1 = 1 y0 = 1.0 ndt = 101 dt = (t1 - t0) / (ndt - 1) drift = lambda t, y, args: -y diffusion = lambda t, y, args: 0.2 steps = jnp.linspace(t0, t1, ndt) brownian_motion = dx.UnsafeBrownianPath(shape=(), key=key) solver = dx.Euler() terms = dx.MultiTerm(dx.ODETerm(drift), dx.ControlTerm(diffusion, brownian_motion)) saveat = dx.SaveAt(steps=True) @jax.jit def diffrax_simu(): return dx.diffeqsolve(terms, solver, t0, t1, dt0=None, y0=y0, saveat=saveat, adjoint=dx.DirectAdjoint(), throw=False, stepsize_controller=dx.StepTo(ts=steps)).ys @jax.jit def homemade_simu(): dWs = jnp.sqrt(dt) * jax.random.normal(key, (ndt,)) def step(y, dW): dy = drift(None, y, None) * dt + diffusion(None, y, None) * dW return y + dy, y return jax.lax.scan(step, 1.0, dWs)[-1] y = diffrax_simu().block_until_ready() plt.plot(y) y = homemade_simu().block_until_ready() plt.plot(y) %timeit _ = diffrax_simu().block_until_ready() %timeit _ = homemade_simu().block_until_ready() ```

(diffrax top, custom bottom)

2.18 ms ± 351 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) 109 µs ± 25.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

(without any of those things I had):

2.43 ms ± 666 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) 110 µs ± 15.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

(all on CPU, just a slower CPU, but the 20-30x slowdown seems of the same scale)

patrick-kidger commented 2 days ago

So you definitely don't want DirectAdjoint: this is actually really slow and should be avoided if possible. (It exists to handle some autodiff edge cases, I'd love to remove it sometime...) Use the default instead.

Make sure you include an argument (say y0) to both jitted functions -- XLA may have different behavior around constant folding.

I'd also try with and without SaveAt(steps=True). (And adjusting the scan appropriately.) I think this should be equivalent either way but I'm not 100% certain.

With all of the above in, then at that point there shouldn't actually be that much difference between the two implementations. (And if there is then we should figure out what.)

lockwo commented 2 days ago

The default actually errors with UBP which is why I changed to direct adjoint

ValueError: `adjoint=RecursiveCheckpointAdjoint()` does not support `UnsafeBrownianPath`. Consider using `adjoint=DirectAdjoint()` instead.
patrick-kidger commented 2 days ago

Ah, right. I've just checked and in the case of an unsafe SDE we do actually arrange for DirectAdjoint to do a scan so that should be fine:

(In retrospect I think we could have arranged for the default adjoint to also do the same thing, that might be a small usability improvement.)

Anyway, that's everything off the top of my head -- I might be forgetting something but with these settings then I think Diffrax should be doing something similar to the simple lax.scan implementation. But clearly we're missing something!

(EDIT: we still have one discrepancy I have just noticed: generating the Brownian samples in advance vs on-the-fly.)

If you'd like to dig into this then it might be time to stare at some jaxprs or HLO for the two programs. If you want to do this at the jaxpr level then you might find eqxi.finalise_jaxpr(and friends) to be a useful set of tools here:

Many primitives exist just to add e.g. an autodiff rule, so we can simplify our jaxprs down to what actually gets lowered by ignoring that and tracing through their impl rules instead.

lockwo commented 2 days ago

DirectAjoint does slow things down, but not all the way. If I switch to a branch that allows for UBP + recursive adjoint, it's faster but still around ~4x gap. If I account for the fact that UBP has to split keys but the other doesn't, I get the gap to be around ~1.1-1.2 (which maybe isn't ideal, but seems much more reasonable to me given there's probably some other if statements/logging that might exist).

x = Timer(lambda : diffrax_simu(y0).block_until_ready())
x = Timer(lambda : homemade_simu(y0).block_until_ready())

with (above things, NAN, steps, function input, stepto, max steps, etc. all that) and direct adjoint: 0.002462916076183319 0.0005935421213507652

w/ checkpoint adjoint (on an internal branch that had some UBP changes to work with checkpoint): 0.002062791958451271 0.0005716248415410519

w/ both splitting keys: 0.0019747079350054264 0.001669874880462885

(code changed to:

def homemade_simu(yy):

    def step(y1, dW):
        y, k = y1
        k, subkey = jax.random.split(k)
        dw = jnp.sqrt(dt) * jax.random.normal(subkey)
        dy = drift(None, y, None) * dt + diffusion(None, y, None) * dw
        return (y + dy, k), y

    return jax.lax.scan(step, (yy, key), steps)[-1]


patrick-kidger commented 19 hours ago

Aha, interesting! Good to have more-or-less gotten to the bottom of the cause of this.


  1. I'd be curious to see what your version of RecursiveCheckpointAdjoint does, and how that compares to the unsafe-SDE-branch of DirectAdjoint.
  2. I suppose generating the Brownian samples in advance, rather than on-the-fly, is very plausibly much faster. (Although I note that it will be more memory-intensive.) Off the top of my head I'm not immediately sure how to arrange it so that the case of using a constant step size controller and an UnsafeBrownianPath could make it possible to precompute things.

On point 2, I suspect the solution may require allowing the control to have additional state. (Which is also what we'd need to make VBT faster.) Perhaps it's time to bite that bullet and allow for that to happen. Happy to hear suggestions on this one!

lockwo commented 11 hours ago
  1. That is something I want to investigate as well (and also organize more of it pushed to a fork for others to check), admittedly will take a little bit for me to get to
  2. Would it be possible to add a "precompute" flag (or something to that effect) to UBP? Which would generate the noise ahead of time (and the size is just determined by the max steps or user input), without requiring a stateful approach. This might(?, if the dt multiplication is still done in the loop) also be compatible with adaptive solver that don't reject steps ("previsible" I think James calls them).
  3. I am in general an advocate of stateful controls (also discussed in #490), although I haven't thought much more on it since the discussion in that issue (which is very similar to how my stateful UBP is implemented).
patrick-kidger commented 1 hour ago
  1. Okay, lmk what you find.
  2. I'm not sure. The way the controls are called at the moment is with the t, not the step index. We'd also have to have a way to pass the number of steps etc to the control. FWIW I'd probably lean towards not having a flag and just always doing this when possible.
  3. I think to do this 'properly' we might need to have AbstractSolver.step also accept the control state, and then pipe it through appropriately. Then also return the updated state. Unfortunately I think we're looking at a hard break to both the control and the solver APIs here, but c'est la vie.