patrick-kidger / torchcde

Differentiable controlled differential equation solvers for PyTorch with GPU support and memory-efficient adjoint backpropagation.
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Very slow training with market data, normal? #46

Open Karlheinzniebuhr opened 2 years ago

Karlheinzniebuhr commented 2 years ago

I adapted your time_series_classification example for market data prediction. It seems to be working but training is exceptionally slow on a P100 GPU which normally finishes similar tasks in 30m. After 4 hours it completed the first 2 epochs. Is this normal with CDEs or did I do something wrong? Training loss is also diverging, but that might be due to learning rate I haven't checked that yet. Here is the dataprep function I added as well as some minor adaptations to the model.

The complete code with corresponding data CSV: time_series_prediction example

def get_data():
    btc_df = pd.read_csv('example/btc_data.csv', parse_dates=['open_time'])
    btc_df_n_t = normalize(btc_df)

    # Split training/testing
    train_size = int(len(btc_df_n_t) * .8)
    train_df, test_df = btc_df_n_t[:train_size], btc_df_n_t[train_size + 1:]

    # Create sequences
    train_X, train_y = create_sequences(train_df, 'close', SEQUENCE_LENGTH)
    test_X, test_y = create_sequences(test_df, 'close', SEQUENCE_LENGTH)

    # Create tensor arrays
    train_X, train_y  = arr_to_tensor(train_X), arr_to_tensor(train_y)
    test_X, test_y  = arr_to_tensor(test_X), arr_to_tensor(test_y)

    return train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y

def main(num_epochs=30):
    train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y = get_data()

    # input_channels=3 because we have both the horizontal and vertical position of a point in the spiral, and time.
    # hidden_channels=8 is the number of hidden channels for the evolving z_t, which we get to choose.
    # output_channels=1 because we're doing binary classification.
    model = NeuralCDE(input_channels=8, hidden_channels=8, output_channels=1)
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())

    # Now we turn our dataset into a continuous path. We do this here via Hermite cubic spline interpolation.
    # The resulting `train_coeffs` is a tensor describing the path.
    # For most problems, it's probably easiest to save this tensor and treat it as the dataset.
    train_coeffs = torchcde.hermite_cubic_coefficients_with_backward_differences(train_X)

    train_dataset =, train_y)
    train_dataloader =, batch_size=32)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        for batch in train_dataloader:
            batch_coeffs, batch_y = batch
            pred_y = model(batch_coeffs).squeeze(-1)
            loss = torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred_y.unsqueeze(1), batch_y)
        print('Epoch: {}   Training loss: {}'.format(epoch, loss.item()))

    test_coeffs = torchcde.hermite_cubic_coefficients_with_backward_differences(test_X)
    pred_y = model(test_coeffs).squeeze(-1)

    # TODO: Modify evaluation for non-binary prediction
    binary_prediction = (torch.sigmoid(pred_y) > 0.5).to(test_y.dtype)
    prediction_matches = (binary_prediction == test_y).to(test_y.dtype)
    proportion_correct = prediction_matches.sum() / test_y.size(0)
    print('Test Accuracy: {}'.format(proportion_correct))
patrick-kidger commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like you're specifying the solver, or the tolerances/step-sizes at all. The defaults may not be suitable for your data.

You may like to try Diffrax, which is built for JAX instead. This builds on a lot of the lessons we learnt building torchcde/torchsde/torchdiffeq, and in particular has much better default behaviour, that demands that you make an explicit choice about this kind of thing.