patrick-kidger / torchcubicspline

Interpolating natural cubic splines. Includes batching, GPU support, support for missing values, evaluating derivatives of the spline, and backpropagation.
Apache License 2.0
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evaluating at different time points per batch #17

Open LucaCras opened 4 months ago

LucaCras commented 4 months ago


I've got a tensor of the shape batch_size x T x nr_channels and I created a cubic spline accordingly.

Let's say I have created this tensor with shape (2, 10, 1)

Now I want to query [[0], [1]] (e.g. value at t=0 for batch 0 and value at t=1 for batch 1)

I know I can query spline.evaluate(torch.tensor(0)) to get the value at t=0 for both batches, but how can I query the above such that it returns a tensor of shape (2, 1, 1) or (2, 1) as the above query returns (2, 2, 1) or even (2, 2, 1, 1).

patrick-kidger commented 4 months ago

I don't believe this is possible, unfortunately.

I think for this I would recommend using JAX, and in particular the interpolation routines in Diffrax as a better more featureful option.