I am not able to get debugging working with browser-refresh. In comparison, these steps work with nodemon:
terminal1: nodemon --debug server.js
terminal2: node-inspector (provides a URL and I'm off an running and debugging breaks trigger)
With browser-refresh I've tried:
terminal1: browser-refresh server.js --debug
terminal2: node-inspector (gives a URL but break points don't seem to do anything and it behaves differently).
I am not able to get debugging working with browser-refresh. In comparison, these steps work with nodemon:
terminal1: nodemon --debug server.js terminal2: node-inspector (provides a URL and I'm off an running and debugging breaks trigger)
With browser-refresh I've tried: terminal1: browser-refresh server.js --debug terminal2: node-inspector (gives a URL but break points don't seem to do anything and it behaves differently).
Thanks for any help!