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Infinite loop in interpreter.find_replace_values #127

Open antoinebon opened 3 weeks ago

antoinebon commented 3 weeks ago

The function find_replace_values of the interpreter module runs into some infinite recursive calls due to find_replace_values and replace_module_vars mutually calling each other

Here is an example value of the value variable that results in an infinite recursion:

'[{\'instance_type\': \'var.broker_instance_type \', \'client_subnets\': \'var.subnet_ids \', \'security_groups\': "var.create_security_group ? concat(var.associated_security_group_ids, [\' \']) : var.associated_security_group_ids ", \'storage_info\': [{\'ebs_storage_info\': [{\'volume_size\': \'var.broker_volume_size \'}]}], \'connectivity_info\': [{\'public_access\': [{\'type\': \'var.public_access_enabled ? "SERVICE_PROVIDED_EIPS" : "DISABLED" \'}]}]}]'