patrickdemooij9 / SeoToolkit.Umbraco

SeoToolkit is a SEO package for Umbraco 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13. This package features most functionalities needed for your SEO needs like meta fields, sitemap, robots.txt and much more.
MIT License
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Metafields working on localhost but not on live page #271

Open HeadMathematician opened 3 months ago

HeadMathematician commented 3 months ago

Hello, Our company is using Umbraco v9.5.0 and we have installed SEO toolkit for umbraco --version 1.0.0. Everything seems fine (not all is yet tested), however Meta Fields don't have 'open settings' options for the fields on live version e.g. and on localhost/umbraco it's working perfecly. We have found a way around it if we publish everything on localhost/umbraco and then restart our app on azure, then the changes on the very site are applied but we still don't have those options on our site

We even encountered an error on Content -> document -> SEO:

"umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:152 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach') at handleResponse (seoSettings.controller.js:48:22) at seoSettings.controller.js:39:21 at umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:165:235 at m.$digest (umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:176:385) at m.$apply (umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:180:259) at k (umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:131:309) at v (umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:136:422) at y.onload (umbraco-backoffice-js.js.v22b435b7deae00621b9399792935a966963e9fa8:137:335) 'Possibly unhandled rejection: {}'"

You can see it on the attachments: content live localhost error

So on the localhost everything works regarding meta fields, both document type settings and content meta fields editting.

patrickdemooij9 commented 1 month ago

Hi @HeadMathematician Sorry for the late reply, but do you still face this issue? Could you check if the javascript files are correctly published over to the App_Plugins? It sounds like the DLL were copied over correctly, but the static files are missing.

HeadMathematician commented 1 month ago

Hello @patrickdemooij9 Unfortunatelly, yes, we are still facing the same issue but we do have a workaround. Although it would be nice we could use the feature on umbraco live so that the marketing team can modify SEO without us having to do it through localhost. It seems App_Plugins files are all there, although the App_Plugins folder is hidden in the project by default and I managed to find all the files. I will attach you folder structure of SEOToolkit I've got, if you're curious about specific files, let me know. Looking forward to solve this issue :) Snimka zaslona 2024-06-12 100240

patrickdemooij9 commented 1 month ago

Hi @HeadMathematician But that is the folder structure locally right? Do you also see these files after you deploy them to the production website?

HeadMathematician commented 1 month ago

Hi again @patrickdemooij9 Indeed, that's the folder structure locally, however the App_Plugins are visible on our azure devops production repo as attached below. It's part of production even since we first installed SeoToolkit on our project. azure

patrickdemooij9 commented 1 month ago

@HeadMathematician It has been a while since I have done anything with Umbraco 9 and packages. And starting with v2.1.0, the way that packages are added have changed, so I am trying to remember exactly how this used to work.

I think the reason why this doesn't work is because the App_Plugins on publish should actually be located in the wwwroot, but I am not sure why that isn't done by the package itself. You could try moving it yourself and seeing if that works.

HeadMathematician commented 1 month ago

Hello again @patrickdemooij9

I did what you suggested, App_Plugins is now moved to wwwroot, the localhost version still works as before (haven't noticed something was broken). But we have good news and bad news on live umbraco page. Good news is that now at least I see the edit button, so the metafields is showing signs of life, but bad news is that I have an error which I will attach below causing the issue with listing the metafields properties. You may see how metafields page looks now and the error on the console. edit error