patrickdenglerhobbisoft / WorldDefense

World Defense Bugs
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For Helmut : Retargetting Rocket Launcher #206

Open patrickdenglerhobbisoft opened 8 years ago

patrickdenglerhobbisoft commented 8 years ago

This changeset I tried (again?) to release the target monster but it seemed to introduce new bugs?

added support for releasing _targetMonster after firing weapon (thought I already had this?); but this check-in a) doesn't do that and b) now doesn't destroy the health indicator and c) seems to make the rocket fire in the wrong direction

Helikin commented 8 years ago

Perhaps following code in the TowerContentObject makes the tower shoot in the wrong direction:

private Vector3F GetTargetPosition()
    if (_currentlyTargetedMonster != null)
        return _locationManager.ConvertToWorldSpace(_currentlyTargetedMonster.CurrentGeoLoc);

    return _debugTargetObject.TargetPosition;

If _currentlyTargetedMonster is null, the tower will shoot at the debug target - even if the debug target is not enabled (DebugTargetObject.IsTargetEnabled is false)?!

Helikin commented 8 years ago

This should be fixed.