I'm trying just about everything I can think and am not able to export any channels or direct messages over 100 messages. That seems to be the maximum, regardless of the value that I set in the initial command.
I've tried using the --maxMsg variable both with and without double quotes, and I've also tried it in many different parts of the command, as well as switching back and forth between -m and --maxMsg. Nothing I do is changing the fact that I only get 100 messages returned.
Am I using the --maxMsg flag inappropriately somehow? Is this a setting that exists in my RocketChat installation that needs to be changed, and if so, where would I find that setting?
I'm trying just about everything I can think and am not able to export any channels or direct messages over 100 messages. That seems to be the maximum, regardless of the value that I set in the initial command.
Here's what I'm entering:
java -jar .\rocketchat-exporter-1.1.2.jar --host "https://mychaturl.com" --maxMsg="50000" -o "./out" -u "myemail@address.com" -k=myuserid
I've tried using the --maxMsg variable both with and without double quotes, and I've also tried it in many different parts of the command, as well as switching back and forth between -m and --maxMsg. Nothing I do is changing the fact that I only get 100 messages returned.
Am I using the --maxMsg flag inappropriately somehow? Is this a setting that exists in my RocketChat installation that needs to be changed, and if so, where would I find that setting?