patrickfuller / camp

A websocket-powered raspberry pi camera webserver
MIT License
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Does not work on cellphones. #1

Open diogobernini opened 9 years ago

diogobernini commented 9 years ago

Tried on Windows Phone 8.1 (Lumia 1320) and Android KitKat (Galaxy Tab 7 Plus). The video never loads.

patrickfuller commented 9 years ago

It's hard for me to debug with phones I don't have, but my best guess is that it has something to do with websockets. Websockets provide a performance boost by reducing the amount of required communication, but are not supported on older systems.

Looking at some references (can I use websockets, stack overflow, and another stackoverflow on windows phones), it appears that your devices may not support websockets. For your android device, you could try installing chrome and running through that. Let me know if that works.

On my end, I'll write a fallback for devices that don't support websockets. It'll reduce the frame rate by ~50% on those devices, but it's better than nothing.

diogobernini commented 9 years ago

Great! Did you see my forked version? I'm doing something to babysit my dog virtually :p Right now I'm at my class, and I can see what he is doing at home.

2015-03-23 12:40 GMT-03:00 Patrick Fuller

It's hard for me to debug with phones I don't have, but my best guess is that it has something to do with websockets. Websockets provide a performance boost by reducing the amount of required communication, but are not supported on older systems.

Looking at some references (can I use websockets, stack overflow, and another stackoverflow on windows phones, it appears that your devices may not support websockets. For your android device, you could try installing chrome and running through that. Let me know if that works.

On my end, I'll write a fallback for devices that don't support websockets. It'll reduce the frame rate by ~50% on those devices, but it's better than nothing.

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Diogo Bernini

patrickfuller commented 9 years ago

That's cool! Do you use it to remotely annoy your dog with music?

diogobernini commented 9 years ago

Used to. He ate the webcam yesterday. Along with my Pi. hahaha