Moodscape is an art e-commerce platform where users can browse, purchase, and discover unique art pieces. The platform provides a secure checkout, order management, and personalized user experiences.
This epic focuses on the development of the core functionality for managing products and categories within the Moodscape platform. It includes creating and managing the product catalog, allowing users to browse and filter products, and ensuring that categories are well-organized to enhance the shopping experience. This functionality is essential to provide users with a seamless way to explore and purchase unique artworks.
Develop robust models for products and categories to support the e-commerce functionality.
Implement CRUD operations to allow the admin to manage the product catalog and categories effectively.
Enable users to browse, search, and filter products by category and other attributes.
Ensure that product images are optimized for fast loading and high quality.
Establish the foundation for future features, such as order management and customer reviews.
Implement a messaging system (toasts) to provide users with real-time feedback on their actions (e.g., successful product addition, deletion, or update).
Acceptance Criteria
Product and Category models are created with appropriate fields to support all required attributes.
CRUD operations for products and categories are implemented and tested to ensure data integrity.
A front-end interface is provided for the admin to add, edit, and delete products and categories.
Users can browse products, view product details, and filter products by category.
Product images are optimized for performance and quality.
Fixtures are created to import example products into the shop for development and testing.
Initial tests are written to verify that product and category functionalities work as expected.
A toast messaging system is implemented to display real-time feedback to users during product and category management actions (e.g., adding, editing, deleting products/categories).
Toast messages are styled consistently and are non-intrusive.
Epic 3: Product and Category Management
This epic focuses on the development of the core functionality for managing products and categories within the Moodscape platform. It includes creating and managing the product catalog, allowing users to browse and filter products, and ensuring that categories are well-organized to enhance the shopping experience. This functionality is essential to provide users with a seamless way to explore and purchase unique artworks.
Acceptance Criteria
User Stories