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Compatibility with red-green trees of roslyn #79

Closed ArsenShnurkov closed 7 years ago

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

Does it worth to implement this algorithm on top of roslyn syntax trees?

documentation of roslyn:

patrickhuber commented 7 years ago

What is the goal? Do you want to update the underlying source and have the ast update or the other way around?

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

I want both - the ability to edit underlying source through AST (for tools), and dynamic syntax highlighting (for editors).

There is already a similar issue -

My proposition is to implement AST on top of Roslyn (SyntaxNode class and others) instead of your independent implementation

patrickhuber commented 7 years ago

I'll have to look at how portable the Roslyn implementation is to a generic parser. I agree, #9 is the way this will be implemented.

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

Roslyn contains unsafe code, so i dismiss the idea