patrickkfkan / patreon-dl

Patreon Downloader
116 stars 8 forks source link & content.publishDate output not working #39

Closed patg75 closed 1 month ago

patg75 commented 1 month ago

when using = "{content.publishDate}[ - ]?{}" I receive the following error:

patreon-dl v2.0.0 Patreon Downloader

Oct 20 23:04:32: error: Failed to get downloader instance: Content directory name format '{content.publishDate}' is invalid (matched against /{content\.id}|{content\.slug}/g)

Using .id instead of .publishDate works fine as intended - same as when leaving it empty.

patg75 commented 1 month ago

PS. Using "{content.publishDate}-{}" works nicely but "{content.publishDate}-{}" doesnt. Same error.

patrickkfkan commented 1 month ago

Hello, you are getting the error because must include at least one of the unique identifiers or content.slug.