patrickloeber / snake-ai-pytorch

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cpu to gpu #7

Open onepointfuck opened 2 years ago

onepointfuck commented 2 years ago

It has been implemented with cpu, I want to implement this project with gpu, how should I do it, please advise

AchalS-iglu commented 2 years ago


arch-user-france1 commented 2 years ago

You might like to take a look at this...

ethicalhacker7192 commented 7 months ago

All you have to do is in the place the following code right after the model init:'cuda:0')
dookiethedog commented 6 months ago

Alright I figured out the solution.

Changes to

Add the below right after line "self.model..."'cuda:0')

Modify def get_action, in the else (add .to('cuda:0') state0 = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float).to('cuda:0')

Changes to

"import numpy as np"

add the below just after line "self.model = model" self.model ='cuda:0')

def train_setup needs to have these changes.

def train_step(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones):
    states = torch.tensor(np.array(states), dtype=torch.float).to('cuda:0')
    actions = torch.tensor(np.array(actions), dtype=torch.long).to('cuda:0')
    rewards = torch.tensor(np.array(rewards), dtype=torch.float).to('cuda:0')
    next_states = torch.tensor(np.array(next_states), dtype=torch.float).to('cuda:0')

    if len(states.shape) == 1:
        states = torch.unsqueeze(states, 0)
        actions = torch.unsqueeze(actions, 0)
        rewards = torch.unsqueeze(rewards, 0)
        next_states = torch.unsqueeze(next_states, 0)
        dones = (dones,)
ethicalhacker7192 commented 6 months ago


ethicalhacker7192 commented 6 months ago

Or you can do for

Action = self.model('cuda:0'))
PayteR commented 2 days ago

Hi guys, thx for the help i did it and it works, BUT on my PC with AMD 7950X3D and Nvidia 4090 cpu device performance is actually faster than cuda, why is that? In both cases are devices utilized 100%, thx

ethicalhacker7192 commented 1 day ago

Sometimes GPUs are meant for graphics strictly, which may hinder them in terms of multiprocessing and calculating each action the neurons will take, it is a fairly uncommon issue.

PayteR commented 1 day ago

Yea, but that's THE best PC GPU right now although CPU is top too. Any other cases to process AI is like 100-1000x faster with GPU, for example LLM inferences. Im still think that there is some issue in the code.