this test covers the Substitute button to attack armed with dexterity instead of an ability.
Actor A is an actor of type Character
Actor B is an actor of type NPC
Actor A has at least two weapons, weapon A and weapon B.weapon A is currently equipped.
automatic range calculation is turned off
Test instructions:
Test Instruction
Expected Result
Actor A targets Actor B and triggers the weapon Attack button. Verify that an attack roll is triggered with dexterity as attack step using Weapon A.
- [ ] an attack roll is triggered
- [ ] the rolled Step is the dexterity step.
- [ ] the Chat message references Weapon A
switch weapons, so that Weapon B is now equipped. Actor A targets Actor B and triggers the weapon Attack button. Verify that an attack roll is triggered with dexterity as attack step using Weapon B.
- [ ] an attack roll is triggered
- [ ] the rolled Step is the dexterity step.
- [ ] the Chat message references Weapon B
unequip all weaons. Actor A targets Actor B and triggers the weapon Attack button. Verify that a prompt requires the user to equip a weapon before an attack can be made.
- [ ] an prompt appears requesting an weapon to be equipped.
Test description:
this test covers the Substitute button to attack armed with dexterity instead of an ability.
Actor A is an actor of type Character
Actor B is an actor of type NPC
Actor A has at least two weapons, weapon A and weapon B.weapon A is currently equipped.
automatic range calculation is turned off
Test instructions:
Expected Result: