patrickpollet / mahara_plugin_auth_cas

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Access to shared page with CAS auth #8

Open elenel opened 9 years ago

elenel commented 9 years ago

Hello We have a CAS auth (plugin CAS from Patrick POLLET) As mentioned in the documentation, we modified the login.tpl template sideblock and removed the regular username/password entry boxes as we are 100% CAS We have the following issue : when a user share a page, the generated email like '' redirects to a page with the internal auth sideblock (if we're not connected to mahara yet). See screenshot: As a consequence, the user can't connect. Thanks BR Emilie LENEL

Nous avons une authentification en CAS (plugin CAS Patrick Pollet) Comme indiqué sur la doc, on a modifié le sideblock's template login.tpl et remove the regular username/password entry boxes if you are 100% CAS Problème, lorsque des utilisateurs partage une page avec quelqu'un, l'email généré du type renvoie (si on est pas déjà connecté à Mahara) vers une page avec boite auth interne.. Du coup, il n'arrive pas à se connecter.

patrickpollet commented 9 years ago


Oups, doc was uncomplete. You must also customize the template theme/raw/templates/login.tpl in your theme directory (theme/mytheme/templates) and edit it to add a link to {$WWWROOT}/auth/cas/index.php Cheers.

chrisptree commented 8 years ago

I am new to mahara, and I want to know what did you mean with 100% cas? Is it the cas is enabled for the complete site (with all instances)?

elenel commented 8 years ago

Hello By 100% CAS, i meant that our users can only log into our Mahara with the CAS authentification (directly on mahara or via Moodle mnet)