patricksamson / laravel-5-snippets

Laravel 5 Snippets for Sublime Text
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blade snippets don't show up #3

Closed rzb closed 8 years ago

rzb commented 8 years ago

Not exactly a problem with the snippets, but rather a default configuration in ST3 which threats '@' as a "character that is considered to separate words". This prevents the snippet from triggering until you type the whole tabTrigger parameter, thus making the snippets useless IMO.

To solve it, just add this to your user preferences:

"word_separators": "./()\"'-:,.;<>~!#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

It works, thanks! I have two options to fix this :

  1. Change the tab triggers to something like blade-elseif, but it would be much less intuitive.
  2. Add your solution to the installation instructions (on Github's readme file and on the installation message when using Package Control), but i'm not sure everybody will see and do it.

But since it already isn't working for anyone, I think option 2 is the best.

ctf0 commented 8 years ago

the solution is really easy, remove the @ from the snippet trigger and change the snippet scope to become text.html.laravel-blade.laravel-blade, text.blade instead of source.php and now it will work without any prob + it wont interfere with your php snippets

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

Somehow, the following snippet is working for me without the "words_separators" trick. I simply type @ and @test shows up in the tooltip choices. Which is weird, since it wasn't working before... Can any of you two confirm?

@test('${1:ability}', ${2:\$object})
    <scope>text.html.laravel-blade, text.blade</scope>
    <description>Blade @test</description>

I tried it somewhere where the scope was text.html.laravel-blade, so maybe the scope was the issue initially, not having the @ character in the tabTrigger as we previously thought?

ctf0 commented 8 years ago

definitely its related to the scope not the trigger, but to be on the safe side you can remove the @ from the trigger to make it easier and more stream lined :)

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

Trying to make it work here, but it seems that typing @ in a blade template results in absolutely nothing. Was it fixed in the code or is it a solution that I need to apply myself?

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

It's fixed in v1.2.4. I changed to prefix to Blade:: like in all the other categories.

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

@Lykegenes If I fire Tool > Snippets, I can see them allright. Although I can't seem to be able to fire the autocomplete for them (and yes, I'm in a .blade.php file). In regular PHP files, I can still fire snippets just fine though.

(Des releases un weekend? C'est gentil! :P)

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

@jpmurray Are you typing Blade::if to fire the snippets? It worked just fine on my work computer when I updated it this morning.

(Je travaille quand je peux! :+1: )

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

So, as it happens, it I type Blade::ifthen it TAB, it will work. I just don't have autocomplete!

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

I can't really help without more details. I tried on a fresh ST3 install and it works; can you confirm it does on your end too?

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

Yep, confirmed. I'm on Windows 10, made a fresh install of ST3, and here's what happened : tried in a regular php, blade with @ and with Blade::.

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

Ha! I think I found the problem! In the bottom right of your screen, you can see that your *.blade.php file is detected by ST3 as a PHP file. But the scope of the Blade snippets target Blade files, not PHP files!

There is no syntax for Blade files included by default in ST3; I suggest you install this package, which will provide this functionality for you : Laravel Blade Highlighter.

Then make sure to always open Blade files with the PHP - Laravel Blade syntax that was installed in the bottom right of your screen.

I cannot specify other packages as dependencies in Package Control, but I'll see what I can do to circumvent this issue.

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

This semi-adresses it. In my non fresh install, I do already uses Blade Highlighter. With it, I can make the snippets works, but sill no autocomplete :/

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

Even if it is installed, you're still not using the syntax from the Blade Highlighter package!

You need to click on PHP in the bottom right of your screen and select PHP - Laravel blade. Now, you'll have Blade syntax coloring and Blade snippets!

The scope for blade snippets is : text.html.laravel-blade. I could change it to text.html so as not to require the Blade Highlighter package, but Blade snippets would show up everywhere there is HTML, even in languages other than PHP; which is not what we want.

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

I hate to be a downer, but no, even with Blade Highlighter activated, I still get no autocomplete, but yes, the snippet do works without it ;-)

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

So, I released v1.2.5 which changes the scope of Blade snippets to text.html so as not to require the Laravel Blade Highlighter package. I also made another discovery (!) : turns out that the autocomplete only shows up by itself while typing in source code, not in text scopes.

Here's the quick fix; in your Sublime settings there is one named "auto_complete_selector", simply add , text.html at the end. The final result should be :

"auto_complete_selector": "meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc, text.html",

Happy coding!

jpmurray commented 8 years ago

Yep! auto_complete_selectordid the trick! Merci! ;-)