patricksamson / laravel-5-snippets

Laravel 5 Snippets for Sublime Text
MIT License
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Add various Artisan snippets #5

Closed jeanpierreb closed 8 years ago

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Looks good, but I would change a few things :

jeanpierreb commented 8 years ago

My pleasure, Lykegenes. The Console:: prefix definitely makes sense although I think it might not be as intuitive to a newbie and it's debatable weather that's actually easier to type. I tend to think of snippets more like tab completion but I'll update this to fit your convention.

jeanpierreb commented 8 years ago

How is it now?

patricksamson commented 8 years ago

Perfect, thank you! I made a huge cleanup in the last few days, I still have a few things to touch up before I publish the new version. I will also add a cheatsheet in the Readme for a quick reference.

If you're looking for autocompletion, the best package I've found is CodeComplice, which is a fork of SublimeCodeIntel.

I created this package as a shortcut to Laravel's (incomplete and inconsistent) documentation. I know what is possible to be done, but I can never remember the function names, their syntax or their parameters!