patricksebastien / libpd4unity

libpd for unity 3d
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Unity 2018 OSX LibPdFilterRead.cs errors #27

Open MacroMachines opened 6 years ago

MacroMachines commented 6 years ago

opening the demo project in unity 2018.1.11 on OSX 10.12 Initially got several errors to turn on Player settings / allow unsafe, after doing this, the demo scene project still gets 2 erorrs that appear to be related to 16 bit short:

Assets/LibPdFilterRead.cs(52,10): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `LibPDBinding.LibPD.Process(int, short[], short[])' has some invalid arguments

Assets/LibPdFilterRead.cs(52,33): error CS1503: Argument #2' cannot convertSystem.IntPtr' expression to type `short[]'

owenitt87 commented 6 years ago

I know this thread is a little dated now but im having this issue too. Dont suppose this got solved at all did it?

patricksebastien commented 6 years ago

Nope, I think it's better to use Heavy to compile your pd patch to C# / Unity: