patrickwest / EukRep

Classification of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic sequences from metagenomic datasets
MIT License
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sklearn 0.19 compatible? #2

Closed wwood closed 4 years ago

wwood commented 6 years ago


I ran EukRep on some dummy data, and got the following warning. Is this dangerous?

$ EukRep -i Methanoflorens_stordalmirensis_v4.3.2.genome.fna -o /dev/stdout
/gnu/store/r1sgvgidshhy8wxdfw40ayhlyvbf03bg-python-scikit-learn-0.19.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/ UserWarning: Trying to unpickle estimator LinearSVC from version 0.18 when using version 0.19.0. This might lead to breaking code or invalid results. Use at your own risk.

Is there some way to test that installation has worked? ta

patrickwest commented 6 years ago


Thanks for pointing out this issue. Yeah scikit-learn has been updated since I trained the current models used for prediction. I don't believe it is dangerous. Prediction appears to be working as expected with scikit-learn version 0.19.0 on my system despite the warning however I'll add a test to the package and retrain the models with the next version.
