patricoferris / try-eio

Try OCaml Effects and Eio in your browser
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codemirror vim integration #1

Closed zeroexcuses closed 1 year ago

zeroexcuses commented 1 year ago


Can you show me how to integrate into try-eio ?

For plain JS/TS, it's just

import { basicSetup, EditorView } from 'codemirror';
import { vim } from "@replit/codemirror-vim"

let view = new EditorView({
  doc: "",
  extensions: [
    // make sure vim is included before other keymaps
    // include the default keymap and all other keymaps you want to use in insert mode
  parent: document.querySelector('#editor'),

but in this case, it seems is exporting a few functions to OCaml, and hands control over to OCaml.

patricoferris commented 1 year ago

Perhaps the code for another little code mirror project I did might help. See here: I added the markdown extension to the editor and bound it here:

zeroexcuses commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I think I have it figured out now. Main problem was unfamiliarity with jsoo/js-bindings, and constant fear that any change would break the build.