patrikhuber / eos

A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
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why the extracted isomap is so blurring #212

Closed yyssmm closed 5 years ago

yyssmm commented 5 years ago

Thank you for sharing your code. But I have a question about that why the extracted isomap is so blurring.

patrikhuber commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm afraid your report is not very specific. Do you have an example? With the original image? I suspect your input image is low-res, that's why the extracted isomap looks blurry. You can also try to use other interpolation schemes, like setting TextureInterpolation to TextureInterpolation::Area for example. You can also use something like OpenGL for texture extraction, if you're serious about it.

I'm going to close this in the meantime as this issue is not useful without more information.

yyssmm commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your hearing from you. My original image is 2000*2992, the extracted isomap looks blurry. I send the original image and the extracted isomap to you through the attachment.Thank you! out isomap


patrikhuber commented 5 years ago

It doesn't look very blurry to me. What it looks like you did do though is extract the texture with compute_view_angle=true. Please read the documentation. Naturally, your image viewer is interpreting the 4th channel as alpha channel and displays it transparent (which is probably what you mean by "blurry"), but it's really the view angle you're storing there. If your original image's resolution is very big, you could also increase the isomap resolution, like from 512 to 1024.

yyssmm commented 5 years ago

It works for me. Thank you very much!! May I ask you another question? Do you know if given a 3D model, how to extract its isomap?

patrikhuber commented 5 years ago


You mean how to generate an uv-mapping from a 3D mesh? That's quite a well-studied topic in computer graphics, and you can do that with a variety of algorithms. Maybe this introduction can help you get into the topic?