patrikhuber / eos

A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
Apache License 2.0
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Adding Blendshapes to Default Set #229

Closed jjbouza closed 5 years ago

jjbouza commented 5 years ago


I am working on a project involving the modeling of unusual facial expressions in a medical imaging scenario and this library has been immensely useful. To increase the expressibility of the model and capture these extreme expressions correctly, I was thinking of modifying the set of blendshapes manually.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I should approach this? E.g. how was the default expression_blendshapes_3448.bin file with the 6 basic blend shapes generated?

Thank you.

patrikhuber commented 5 years ago

Hi, You've opened this ticket too, #230. Seems like you opened two of the same tickets by accident? Let's continue the discussion in the other one?

jjbouza commented 5 years ago


Yes sorry. Github was having some server issues at the time I posted the first one and I thought it had been lost. You can delete this ticket.