patrikhuber / eos

A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
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About iterations on pose estimation and shape fitting steps #242

Closed anny0316 closed 5 years ago

anny0316 commented 5 years ago

Hello Huber: In your paper, you've mentioned iterations. But, in the programs, I have no find where is iteration, I have read the "fit-model-simple.cpp" and other relevant codes. What's wrong? Please help me, Sorry to bother with this. Thanks!

anny0316 commented 5 years ago

I want to ask you another question. I hide the function "extract_texture" in program "fit-model-simple.cpp", when using SFM model, then a picture's fitting result have no texture, but, when using BFM2009 model, fitting result have texture, Why is that?

anny0316 commented 5 years ago
  1. Program "fit-model-simple.cpp" fit a picture using BFM2009, but the result shows the BFM's mean face, I only hide the function "extract_texture" and modify some assert. What's wrong with it?
  2. I want to run the "fit-model.cpp" fit a picture using BFM2009, how to modify the blendshape option? Its default value is "expression_blendshapes_3448.bin"?
patrikhuber commented 5 years ago


I am only going to answer briefly since these are help questions and not issues with the eos library.

  1. Iterations: The iterations are done inside the fit_shape_and_pose function.
  2. I think you are confusing texture remapping (texturing, uv-mapping, etc.) and per-vertex colour/albedo/texture PCA model.
  3. Just debug into it and see what's going on. "modify some assert" sounds potentially a bit dodgy if you had to do that. The eos wiki has a bit more information about using the BFM.
  4. The BFM2009 doesn't contain expressions I think, and the BFM2017 contains a PCA expression model. You can find that all in the literature and on their website. eos supports both Blendshapes and PCA expression models.

I would recommend that you just play around with things more to learn about them, read the literature in more details, and maybe find an appropriate place to ask remaining questions (like colleagues/supervisor etc.). The GitHub issues are for developer issues and discussions about the eos library, and not for "help" questions.

anny0316 commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot!

Chen-Jinlong commented 4 years ago
  1. Program "fit-model-simple.cpp" fit a picture using BFM2009, but the result shows the BFM's mean face, I only hide the function "extract_texture" and modify some assert. What's wrong with it?
  2. I want to run the "fit-model.cpp" fit a picture using BFM2009, how to modify the blendshape option? Its default value is "expression_blendshapes_3448.bin"?

Could please tell me how to modify assert ?Which one ?