patrikhuber / eos

A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
Apache License 2.0
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Reproducing the Helen images from the wiki #290

Closed zhaishengfu closed 4 years ago

zhaishengfu commented 4 years ago

good projects! I tested using helen image as follows 3084329562_1 and I see your paper this image has good result image but when running with this framework, it gets the following result: image

why do you think this is not tem same as yours? I used the 3448 sfm bin model and the image is from helen and i got the 2d informaiton from helen mat information "pt2d"

zhaishengfu commented 4 years ago

Is seems that your model has fewer vertices, do you use the 845 vertices model? If so, I think your result is better and can you provide the 845 vertices model bin?

patrikhuber commented 4 years ago


Your fitting result looks pretty much identical to the one in the paper/wiki. Everything looks good. There might be small differences because of different numbers of iterations or different regularisation values.

The result may seem different to you because I upscaled the images before drawing the mesh. You can easily do that by upscaling the image and then calling draw_wireframe(...) with the upscaled image.

I used the 3448 vertices model for these results. The eos readme describes how to obtain the 845 model - it tells you to go to the Uni Surrey website for more info.