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Why I cannot display the out.obj with OpenGL? #291

Closed yygbruce closed 4 years ago

yygbruce commented 4 years ago

I cannot display the out.obj correctly with OpenGL, when I set the projection matrix and modelview matrix for the glsl shader.But I can use the class RenderingParameters to draw wireframe on the image, so the render parameters is right.What's wrong with me? By the way, have a interface for raycasting?

patrikhuber commented 4 years ago


"display the out.obj correctly with OpenGL" sounds a bit weird. Maybe try opening your out.obj with MeshLab?

It sounds like you need to spend some time debugging your OpenGL matrices.

There is some ray casting stuff here and here.

yygbruce commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I have solved the question through rasterization.