patrikhuber / eos

A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
Apache License 2.0
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is this library support faceware house 3dmm face model? #344

Open mmxuan18 opened 1 year ago

patrikhuber commented 1 year ago

Hi @mmxuan18, I'm aware that there is an expression model based on FaceWarehouse scans, and FaceWarehouse is indeed "a 3D Facial Expression Database" ( What specific "FaceWarehouse 3DMM" are you referring to, do you perhaps have a link or a paper title?

There is one popular model around that is based on BFM identity (I think BFM2009 but not 100% sure from the top of my head) and contains FaceWarehouse expressions. You should be able to load/use this model with probably minor modification to the respective BFM model loading scripts (