patrix87 / PowerShellGSM

A Comprehensive PowerShell Tool for Simple Automated Game Server Management.
MIT License
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[Documentation] Comment about how to let the servers run like a service (in bg) #58

Open BananaAcid opened 3 months ago

BananaAcid commented 3 months ago

I could not find a comment on how to let the servers start after a system restart, but luck had it, I only needed the chane the scheduler task from "Run only when user is logged on" to "Run when user is logged on or not" and enter the specific user's password.

having that in the docs would be great


patrix87 commented 1 month ago

Would this work with any game servers ? What platform was this tested on ? Did it had a password ?

BananaAcid commented 1 month ago

Yes this would work with any.

This method is available since WindowsXP, and I used it since then quite frequently. Currently running on Win10 Pro, Win11 Pro, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2022.

User-Accounts all had a password, always.